Greener Thumb
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Mixed gravel disposal

I've been riddling/screening garden soil through a 1/8" mesh, for seed starting indoors. Now I have the screened-out gravel to dispose of: If I remove all the stones over say, 1/4 or 3/8", will it be a good idea to dig the remaining fine gravel into my garden beds? My thought is that the fine stuff would assist with drainage but wouldn't obstruct veggie roots.

- And there's what to do with all the other, bigger stones :( ?

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I need Mr. Scotty to beam them OVER to my garden. LOL

I use gravel in my pond scape and aquaponics experiments… also underlayment for hard scapes like pavers. (I also have several hypertufa projects on the back burner….)

Smaller gravel are mixed into large container potting mix.

I buy clean gravel by the bag, although I did buy/collect larger rocks and fist-sized stones at reasonable prices via craigslist offers.

Greener Thumb
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Oh, I could give you loads of large stones & rocks. Not feasible though: At last I have the chance to say "We do not ship outside of Canada, its provinces and contiguous territories" :-()

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Funny. I have a lot of stones as well. They will only take it at the landfill. I can use some of it in the garden for fill, but it cannot be on top or I will get beaned by the gravel when I weed whack. If it is clean, I can use it as mulch in parts of the garden. I do plant citrus trees in cinders but I can't plant them in cinders unless it has been washed.

Small gravel 1/8- 3/8 can be used for bonsai if it is cleaned.
Larger stones, depends. It can be used in a xeriscape or spiral garden. My garden raised bed is actually built of stack stones.

I have a pile of rubble from a concrete fountain I had to break up. I haven't figured out what to do with that either. I am contemplating using it as a border for the pollinator garden just to put it to some use.

Then again, since it came out of the ground, I guess you could dig a hole and put them back.

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