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Why is there Leaf Discoloration On Orange Bell Pepper?

I'm rather new to growing bell peppers and decided to give it a try this season. Can anyone offer some advice on why there's discoloration on the leaves of this orange bell plant? Also if anyone has suggestions on a water cycle I'd really appreciate it.

Orange Bell Peppers
Orange Bell Peppers

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Welcome to the forum!
How long have you had the plant? Did you plant it in the black nursery pot or did it come in it? Be careful about putting it in “full sun” if you’ve only just brought it home from a more sheltered environment.

The upper leaf looks like it was creased/folded. The lower leaf looks burned In the splotched place — could have been water or chemical, and the browned outer margin on same leaf could indicate root damage or temporary drying out ... or salt burn from excess salts/fertilizer n the soil/root zone.

Watering regimen will need more info — what are the temperatures like? What are the sun exposure and sun direction/duration? What is the size/dimensions of the pot and what kind of potting mix?

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Thank you for your kind welcome and input. I'm growing several pepper plants but this is the only one that has discoloration

I live in Los Angeles and it's consistently in the mid to upper 70's. It receives 6-8 hours of direct sun a day but I can easily move it. The current pot (though I have several others I can replant it in) is 12"(h)X 12"(D) I planted it in organic potting soil which I mixed with approximately 1/4 cup Dr Earth fertilizer with a 4-4-4 ratio. I brought it home 2 weeks ago.

A friend who is an avid gardener believes that it is magnesium deficient and suggested that I spray the leaves after sunset with 1 Tbsp Epsom Salt to 1 L water. Make sure to get the underside of leaves. 1 or 2 times per week. What do you think?

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It does not look like magnesium deficiency. It does not have chlorosis. Do you see anything under the leaves?

The brown streak on one of your leaves is along the stem which makes me suspect some kind of sucking pest.

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No, I didn't notice any discoloration under the leaves.

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