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Happy Thanksgiving!


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Happy thanksgiving!

Making a duck this year since it's only three of us!


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Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!

Oh how I miss watching that Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade! It's changed so much over the years I kinda gave up on it. Seemed to feature more people talking and singing more than the bands and balloons.

The little Pokemon critter and Buzz Lightyear were two of my favorites. 😊 Don't know what new balloons they have now.

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May your Thanksgiving be full of peace, love, and joy.

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Happy Thanksgiving!
Charlie & Snoopy.jpg
A different Thanksgiving this year. I have spent Thanksgiving completely alone before but over the last 30 some years, I think that DD was always with DW and me, even if DS wasn't. She lives only about 30 miles away and we did see her - in our backyard, off the deck, for awhile, one day this week. Then, we were all so chilly that she picked up her little shivery dog and retreated to the warmth of her car. This has been how all of our "get-togethers" have been since March - altho, there has been warmer days. I appreciate her protective response to the pandemic as it might relate to Ma & Pa.

A 6# chicken in the oven, today. I was a little surprised that "Ma" was okay with that idea - instead of turkey. Since DD was not here, I could have tried that oyster stuffing that she would NOT allow from the traditional, several years ago. Didn't think of it! DW made 3 pies yesterday and had the dough for rolls in the fridge, overnight. I was in charge of the "bird," as usual. Ya know, a 6# bird is as much trouble as one 2 or 3 times its size. Well, almost :D .

Time for another slice of pumpkin (winter squash, Buttercup) pie.

"Best of all is it to preserve everything in a pure, still heart, and let there be for every pulse a thanksgiving, and for every breath a song." ~ Konrad von Gesner

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