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Re: 2020 What's the weather like where you are?

It is hard for me to imagine it is already 38 degrees and near freezing in some places and I am experiencing the hottest months of the year July-October are the hottest months. It is predicted to be near 90 degrees all week. It does go down to the 70's at night. Actually 90 degrees is the Honolulu prediction. It is a little cooler uphill It is 82 degrees now with a high of about 86 degrees. I am more sweaty today but so far the trades are going at a good clip 15-20 mph and that helps a lot.

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Weather has been cool in the 70's. It has been mostly cloudy today and it drizzled a bit this morning. Current temperature is 77. It has been nice fishing weather, and I just might do that this weekend.

According to weather, there is a chance of thunderstorm next Monday.

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Was awoke at 4 am this morning by the thunderstorm. It started off as a very heavy downpour and later came some dynamite thunder and outrageous lightening. Lasted about 45 minutes.

This morning I found a large dead pine branch laying in the backyard, too heavy for me to lift. It must have blown pretty hard but branch was already broken.

Current temperature is a cool 70. Cloudy out there and slightly blistery.

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It was a freezing 58 this morning, I hate cold mornings they start my day off wrong. My poor okra isn't gonna like these cold mornings .

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42°F this morning — tomorrow’s overnight forecast is 43.....

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Yesterday afternoon, it rained hard, but it was 82 degrees and the wind was 5 mph so it was hot and muggy. It is still overcast today, but the wind is less than 5 mph, so it will be another muggy day. More rain is expected in a few days. Hopefully, it will be enough to green up the landscape. There was another brush fire yesterday.

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Today has been 'cloudy bright.' Anyone here old enough to remember this? ....
... Cloudy Bright (faint shadows) -> f8 @ 1/125

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VanIsle, I had to re-expose my mind to 35mm photography. Dusted off the case of that camera the other day but didn't take it out. It was fun becoming familiar with it, back in the day. Frustrations after buying a telescoping lens was something of a blow to any notions that I had of capturing photographs of birds. Bird "watching" had to be, and still is, the limit.

We have had days after months without any plant-beneficial rain. Recently, the sky became hazy with smoke from California fires. Fortunately, the smoke was high enough that air quality didn't plunge as it did about a month ago.

During those times, we wore a mask while outdoors, for whatever value that was. All garden work ceased and we relied on the neighbor to our distant garden to keep his and our gardens watered. Fortunately wind has amounted to next to nothing since a 1/3rd of an inch of rain cleared the smoke during the first week of Autumn. This unchanging weather must be the reason that frost has not yet arrived in the lowest elevations. There is a chance of rain this weekend.


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Today's weather is TFS. Everyone speaks in abbreviations these days & now TV is doing it. Do they expect me to look up TFS online to learn what it means? They probably think I already know what TFS means. I think I will change the TV channel and start watching a station that speaks only English.

My weather report for today, sun rise about 6:30 am, temp 42°F, very over cast, no rain.
Last edited by Gary350 on Mon Oct 05, 2020 9:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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TFS?? What on earth?

Terribly Fine Sunshine? Terrific Fishing Season? The Fall Season? The First Snowflake?

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It rained somewhere, just not here. It is now 77 degrees and winds 5 mph. Just enough to move the palm leaves. It feels hotter and muggier. It is typical for this time of the year. There was a fairly good rain the other day. The grass is showing a little bit of green.

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The news announced last night because of the expansion of the drought on Maui and Molokai and an especially dry summer with so many wild fires, that they are asking residents to conserve water. We still have adequate drinking water. We are not dependent on surface water. The city's main aquifers are in the dikes and the eye under the cap rock (artesian wells). We are actually drinking water that was stored 25 years ago.

Locally, farmers and ranchers though are facing more problems which will show up as shortages of meat and produce in future years.

Meterologists have predicted that the rain will come, but it won't be up to "normal" levels till December or January.

We don't have strict water restrictions. Just reminders not to water yards during the day time and not to leave water running when you soap in the shower or when you are washing to try to wash full loads. There are already restrictions for people living in townhouses and apartments that make it hard to wash a car unless you actually go to a car wash. The car washes here do recycle part of the water they use.

Actually price, determines water use. I don't like turf. If the HOA did not demand it, I would not have any at all. As it is, my sprinkler system has been off for a couple of years now and I only hand water. The grass is on its own. When it rains I use about 2k gallons a month (and I am still watering the yard). Now, it is about 5-8K a month. I am only getting a discount on 1000 gallons in sewer fees, although by their own admission they know that a house with a yard means that about 70% of the water used never goes down the drain. When I use 2K, I get no discount and the sewer fees are higher than the water fees. I guess, I use only about 1-1.5 k gallons in the house, so I have conserved a lot in the house with short showers, minimizing toilet flushes (using shower and wash water for the toilets when possible, washing full loads, and cooking large meals for 4-5 days at a time which saves water for prep and washing up, and electricity since it is cheaper to use the microwave oven than the range for cooking or reheating.

Right now it is 68 degrees but it will go up into the mid 80's 94% humidity will make it seem hotter. The winds are less than 5 mph and no rain in sight. There might be some convection heating in the afternoon, sometimes that will bring a brief shower. I always decides to rain just when I am planning to work in the yard and then it stops 10 minutes later when I am no longer in the mood. I need to remember to wear my hat. I was washing my hair yesterday and my scalp hurt. I got sunburned.

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Traffic was bad in town, somebody said that it was people evacuating Delta.

It is currently cloudy, 72 degrees and is dripping. I should start receiving a lot of rain by tonight and last through tomorrow. I don't know how bad it might get here, I need to go out and make sure everything's tied down and put away.

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According to radar, Delta is halfway on land. I feel for Lake Charles.

Current temperature is a nice 77, is cloudy and rainy. Looks like I will be getting plenty of rain throughout today, tonight and tomorrow morning.

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My thoughts and prayers go out to those people in the path of Delta. It's terrible whenever these disasters happen, but especially when it's in the same path of a previous hurricane.

We had another night down in the 40s, but it's supposed to be well above average during the day - well into the 70s, and not another low below 56° forecast in the entire 10 day forecast, with one of those days getting to 80° for a high. Crazy weather! It has been dry again, since that 6"+ we got at the end of September, but Delta is supposed to bring some rain here in the beginning of next week, over a couple of days.

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Hurricane is passing us by 30 miles west of us. TV weather says, heavy rain all day, 20 mph wind gusting to 40. It is dead calm here, no rain, sun was trying to come out at 11:15 am. The day is not over yet it could still rain & blow. I put my plant tray of cabbage inside BBQ grill to protect it from destruction.

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I actually didn't get as much rain as predicted since Delta stayed mostly to the East in Louisiana.

The rain stopped by yesterday evening, but the sky that evening was quite peculiar; the entire sky was a yellowish orange color. Amidst the dark clouds it was quite beautiful. Unfortunately the unique coloring wouldn't show up on my phones camera but I got a couple of 'fuzzy' pics with my tablet, and some really cool ones with my camera. I did have to play around with the settings in my camera to try and accuratly capture the correct coloring. I have such terrible issues of getting good pictures of orange sky coloring, especially with my phone.

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It has rained here for 17 hours my rain gauges both show 4". TV weather says rain will be gone in 1 more hour. Lots of flooding TN is mostly rock it does not soak up water so streams become rivers very quick, 2 people drown so far. Garden was very dry it soaked up every drop of rain. TV shows the heaviest rain going north up through Asheville NC & WV. Hurricanes rotate counter clock wise north of the equator the east side of the hurricane has the heaviest rain.
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Thanks for the warning/preview — the system is in SC to Virginia now and is predicted to arrive here by this afternoon — fast moving.

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The weather change over the last few days has been dramatic.

Rain began over the weekend and the 1/2" that fell amounted to more than the total from the previous 90 days. Honestly, it has been so dry and is so late in the growing season that I don't think that it did plant life much good. However. We have had almost as much in another little rainstorm, this week.

The windstorm that immediately followed wasn't a small affair. The nearest WS station recorded wind gusts above 50mph and the wind was stronger, elsewhere. A neighbor lost some of his house siding. Some neighborhoods lost electricity.

I fully expect a first frost tomorrow AM. It's been remarkably late in coming but with so much summer heat, so few clouds and little rain, and so many days with air inversions - heat was retained. Even this wind is coming off that great body of water, the Pacific Ocean a few hundred miles away. It isn't cold. I think that the furnace may have come on when I pushed the thermostat up to 70° this morning but I'm not sure of it.


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I hope everyone is o.k. The storms have been hitting the same regions pretty hard.

We just got a little bit of shower remnants from T.S. Marie which was downgraded. The rain made the weeds grow.

It is still 81 degrees now and winds are light. More rain is expected by the end of the week. One tenth is expected, so it means most likely passing showers, but I will still need to water the yard.

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It is freezing in my house. Thankfully it's warmer outside than it was yesterday, it's currently 65 out now. Yesterday was a freezing 58. I hate the winter, I hate being cold. Puts me in a bad mood. Soup and hot chocolate sounds really good right about now...

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Six inches of snow fell Friday and into Saturday. This morning it was 15°f.

Very bright stars, moon and planets when I went to bed last night. It was a little foggy this morning or it might have been colder. The fog disappeared as the sun came up and it has been a bright, beautiful day.

I have read that up to a foot of snow will fall where the forest fires have raged in Colorado. That should help but I think that it would best if the crews can still get around in there in a few days.


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This weather is strange - the temperature seems to be rising now that the sun is down! Today was the coolest day, so far - only supposed to get to 50° today, which it was pretty close to, but it's rising now! And it has been barely raining, mostly misting, all day, though it's only up to .07". My heater still hasn't clicked on, but this will be the first night for it, as there was not any sun, to warm it up today.

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We have a couple of fronts moving in. The one from the East brought rain to Kauai and Oahu, but Maui, Molokai and Big Island did not get much. My grass looked pretty dead. Now the weeds and the grass are greening up. Even the gardenia which was yellowing and looking sad has perked up and it is full of buds.
I fertilized the grass. I will probably regret this if I have to do more weed whacking.

The weather front is blocking most of the trades so it is still humid and muggy with hardly any wind at all, It is in the mid to low 80's but it feels hotter. I am losing at least a pound of sweat every day.

The next front is coming from the East and will bring rain to the other end of the State but some rain may still come my way Tues-Friday. Good news the surf is up 10-12 ft. With calm winds it is good surfing weather, if the sharks have moved off shore. The Sharks have been feeding on fish schools in the shallow waters around Kaimana beach. That 's is near Ala Moana beach. There a pictures of sharks feeding near swimmers.

In the meantime, I have not had to water the yard in a few days. I did water the things that are in the lanai and under the eaves. The weeds are coming up under the weed block. It is o.k. as long as they stay more or less confined. I also found a couple of snail in one of the pots. I will have to try to Round Up some of the weeds and hope the rain stays off long enough for it to work.

The garden is happy, the seeds I planted are sprouting well. The cutting celery is dying, but it is old and it was trying to bloom. So, I guess it is time anyway. The basil is showing signs of downy mildew. I will probably have to throw the rest of the seedlings away. I thought it would stay dry a while. So, much for making plans.

Right now it is 80 degrees, but it feels hotter. Winds are 3mph.

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Not even Halloween yet! We have expected forecast of 30° F Friday overnight. Usually a couple of degrees lower in my garden, so as usual, one frozen blast to end the gardening season, and weeklong scramble to bring ALL container plants back inside for the annual fall migration. :eek:

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Winter is coming!

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Today is a very nice 73! Sadly it's cloudy and looks like winter out there, especially with all the fallen leaves, but feels great! Got a bunch of planting done today!

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It's COLD outside! The past two or three days have been downright disgusting. But at least today the sun is finally shining. It's a nasty 52 out there, requiring at least two layers of clothing to go out.

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It is a chilly 67 degrees for me. The skies have finally cleared and the rain has abated at least for a few days. I woke up to an orange sunrise. It is going up to 84 degrees which is about right for this time of the year. The winds are light from the west, so it will probably still feel hotter with a humidity of 93%.

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As of midnight last night, there was 1.65" here from Zeta, but overnight, even more came came from another line from the midwest came through, which stopped at about 2.05" around 11 am for today, so I ended up at 3.7".

I just went outside to open up my pipes, going to the outside, to drain the water out, since it may freeze tonight; though I don't think it will be that bad, no sense taking any chances, and it's not like I'll have to water any time soon! I pulled the last 2 cups of Sprite tomatoes, and I was glad to get back in, as it was damp and raw out there!

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This morning 35°F, clear sky, no frost, no wind & full moon. Next 7 days, high 75°, low 42°, no rain, clear sky. Average daytime high 65°, average low 34°. 72 miles east of us it is 25°F in the mountains. 75 miles N/W 29°. 18 miles N 27°. We are 10° warmer than average this year. Sun rise was 40 minutes ago temperature is still going down 34°F now.
Last edited by Gary350 on Mon Nov 02, 2020 7:29 am, edited 4 times in total.

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It's very windy today, with gusts well into the 40s, and a forecast high of only 46°. It was only 41° when I had to go out a couple hours ago, when the trash cans started blowing around, as soon as the guys emptied them. I have to take the regular trash out later today, but wind is supposed to die down some. No garden work today!

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I'm so sick of having to report all these stupid scammers, we didn't used to have this much trouble with them....did we?

Current weather is clear and cool. Temperature is 60. I need to get my lazy rear outside and start pulling up okra.

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Took care of it! Thank you for reporting them :wink:
(I’ve seen more.... :roll: )

...windy and cold here. Time to finish up cleaning windows and winterizing them. :-|

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The trades will be back for a few days that will make it less muggy. Day temperatures are still around 86/69. Humidity is 98%, my door is rubbing against the floor. I am not breaking out in a sweat sitting at the computed in the middle of the day, but It does not take a lot of activity to feel like I am in a sweat bath.

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It's been warm and cloudy. Leaves are turning red, yellow and orange and dead and falling off. Definitely looks like fall around here.

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People who lived on the mainland say that it is one of the things they miss. The colors of the seasons and some even miss the snow.

We have seasons, it is just more subtle.

The only truly deciduous trees we have here are alien ones. My plumeria should be shedding leaves anytime now. Frangipani plumeria from Florida, Caribbean, Mexico, and as far south as Brazil, will lose their leaves in the fall. Singapore plumeria, plumeria obtusa, will remain evergreen all year.

The Gold tree (Tabebuia donnell-smithii) originate from Mexico and Central America are the first to bloom in the Spring.

Rainbow and golden shower trees ,cultivars of Cassia javanica from Southeast Asia, bloom in summer.

We do have snow in Hawaii, however brief, it does snow on Haleakala and Mauna Kea. It may only last a few hours. Snow on Mauna Kea can last a couple of months. Humpback whales and golden plovers from Alaska return this month and will stay until around April or May. The whales will be migrating to the waters off Maui. The plovers prefer the higher elevations and actually like to be around my neighborhood.

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44° this morning seems cold after a week of 80° weather. I fed the, cats, dog & birds. It is suppose to be sunny & 70° after the clouds move away in a few hours.

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I'm fairly sure that all the October snow melted. There may have been just a little where I piled it up at the corner of the driveway. First, there was temperatures in the teens, then it warmed. We had one morning low above 50°F, in November!

Then, there was a little more snow and with "seasonal" temperatures, that little bit didn't quite go away. Maybe it will be gone next week but first ..! Another storm is on its way.

I was curious about the late prediction for this from the Weather Service. Apparently, this is a BIG system swirling in the Pacific. Only a part of it is peeling off and heading inland at the moment. It will still be interesting - how much snow in the mountains, how much down here and if it is warm enough to rain some or all of it off at this lower, 2,000 foot elevation.

It's time to begin building the mountain snow pack that can keep our aquifers charged and our rivers healthy. I'm feeling a little guilty that southern Oregon and northern California aren't getting much more of these little storms. Some rain is showing up in places there and it may be as much as here, but there are differences in natural environments. An inch of water one place may have little benefit somewhere else. Of course, we have had only about double that over the last 6 weeks but it has helped.


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