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I wish you could read/understand Japanese! Japanese Macaque/monkey “Kai-kun” — trained to clap and wave with owner, understands some spoken words, signs for some things.... They split a cream puff for snack, then owner leaves telling Kai-kun don’t eat owner’s portion.... He said Kai-kun *should* know that it is wrong to take owner’s food.

Kai-kun signs — Raising one paw/hand — means he’s saying “I want some/this” — caption: “He’s making an appeal for the leftover cream puff ... WHO does he think he’s signing it to?” (does Kai-kun know the owner is watching via smart watch?)

...Kuroda identifies himself as “owner” in this video but earlier posted videos show he worked at a zoo as animal trainer with Kai-kun

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Wow! That's amazing! He is totally trying to trick the owner!

My dog's paw nails click when he walks on our floors.
I once caught my dog slowly tip-toeing to sneak into a room in which there was some cat food in a bowl.
He knew he was forbidden so he was using stealth to get to the food.

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We have the special pleasure of watching them behave in human-like ways but we must realize: they aren't human.

Of course not. Even chimps with even higher intelligence - they will behave in beyond disturbing ways! Even closer relatives ...

... I didn't mention my brother. did I mention my brother??

:-| digitS'

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You have to remember that apes are highly intelligent. They can reason, solve problems and use tools. We are probably the dumb ones since we have to "teach" them our language to talk to them, but we don't make nearly as much effort to try to communicate in their language.

It is unfair to call it stealing after all it was abandoned. Kaikun gave his owner plenty of chances to reclaim the snack before he took it. He did leave some for the owner.

Isn't it a lot like trying to eat just one potato chip!

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...just one more from this one (maybe :> )

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I’ve been binge watching these. The trainer Kuroda has been working with KaiKun since the macaque was 4 yrs old and he turned 18 this year — so they’ve been together for 14 years!

In this Christmas special, he had been wanting to try making a cake together but was feeling discouraged that it would be too difficult, and a local cake shop owner donated a Pre-baked sponge cake base so he could simply decorate the cake with KaiKun. He wasn’t particularly strict about KaiKun trying to taste everything since this was to be a fun project, not a training or behavior test, and it was cute to hear KaiKun “bark” every so often in excitement and pleasure.

At one point, Kuroda remarked that his grunts sound a lot like typical Japanese grunt of acknowledgment (sounds like “un” but means like “ya”) Near the end ... He told KaiKun to wait while he goes in the back to get a fork to eat the finished cake with (like he has done in other behavior test videos)....

At the end, KaiKun begins waving good bye as soon as Kuroda starts to say “Let’s finish up now (and say our good byes)” ...instead of waiting for the signal/command. Maybe he wanted to get back to eating the cake. LOL

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One more ... GENIUS BILINGUAL MONKEY ... in this episode, Kuroda who normally talks to KaiKun in Japanese tries giving commands in English to see how quickly KaiKun catches on.

- SIT — The comments next to KaiKun basically are vsriations of “Huh?” “what?” “whachasayin’ ?”, then KaiKun decides Kuroda is saying “sooo-it” which apparently was a command that had been used to train him to slide-jump forward...
—- これ? — “This?”

- COME — ...I think he accidentally (or intentionally?) used hand gestures that were same or similar for “jump kick me” — I noticed he had taught him to do this as part of some of their skits on the stage show....


— UNIYASHI — it took me quite a while to figure out what this means - he uses this expression when giving extreme praise with all his animals when they successfully accomplish what he wants them to do. It’s a cute way of saying:
“(W)UN ... YOSHI” (W)UN="Yeah" ... YOSHI="(you did) good/well done"

...I’m starting to see that in this particular channel, he sometimes mixes in pre-trained behavior in Kaikun’s behavior as if it was spontaneous — I think “I LOVE YOU” was one of those, but it did make for a really cute “feels” finish to the video :D

He has a separate channel which is purely a vlog — a glimpse of time spent with KaiKun and other animals in his care.

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Haven’t posted another one in a little while so, here’s one — since April, the Trainer Kuroda has been working with a 2nd macaque — 1 year old RootKun (official name - Kun is honorific typically used for young or junior boy*) — *Kuroda calls him RooChan (“Little or Baby Roo”)

Since spring, he had been concentrating on establishing trust, and introducing RooChan to rest of the troupe. So far he has learned to stand up and walk, to take directions, hold on to Kuroda’s hand, raise hand in greeting Hello and Byebye, in this video,

- Intro - Kuroda excitedly shows off a new trick — to bow to the audience like KaiKun does (pretty much an essential etiquette among Japanese social mannerisms — deeper the bow, the more indication of respect and acknowledgment of social hierarchy)

- Since July, RooChan has been performing a few parts in Kuroda’s “Pookies” show skits in the Aso Cuddly Dominion Zoo’s animal theater performances.

- As he is opening the cake box, he suddenly realizes he has NOT trained RooChan to commands like “Maté/Mada (Wait/Not yet)” And wonders if he will dive right in (in a previous video RooChan even grabbed a dried sweet potato right out of KaiKun’s hand)

- Also in this video, RooChan is introduced to a cake for the first time — Kuroda thinks he will eat fruits which are part of his daily diet (in a previous video RooChan is given a cherry for the first time and didn’t know to eat it until Kuroda bit a piece off to show him the juicy inside), but he is not sure if RooChan will eat the sponge cake base or the whipped cream (typically less sugar is used for gift cake for the animals).

- Throughout the video, Kuroda compares and comments on difference in RooChan’s reactions to KaiKun’s who favors the sponge cake base and cream OVER fruits

Baby monkey RootKun eats cake for the first time, and is enchanted by its deliciousness

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Yes, I’m still watching these :-()

[Which is smarter/cleverer/more obedient?] Dog vs. Monkey
“WAIT to eat snack cookies” challenge...but too many unexpected happenings — TOO CUTE!
— Kuroda challenges his two faithful Toy Poodle MieChan and Monkey KaiKun to “WAIT to eat snack cookies” contest
- he expected MieChan to win this obedience contest
- with Kuroda present in front of them, behind them, then pretending to sleep
- with Kuroda going away behind the stage curtains
- he DID NOT expect how this turned out. He said he was still in shock (he was watching on a monitor)
- bonus — what about KaiKun vs. MoyaChan?

...Stepping on his head when Kuroda puts his head on the floor is part of numerous on-stage Performance routines (often Kuroda is groveling or pleading in the skit). So here, KaiKun is thinking Kuroda is expecting him to respond to the pre-arranged signal... Kuroda probably expects that KaiKun might respond this way, but plays along for the “gag”

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Aaand this one today :D

Toy went in scary place - will UmeChan bring it back?

苦手な場所に入ったおもちゃ「ちょうだい」と言ったら持ってきてくれるのか? セキセイインコ・うめ

- Ume (UmeChan) plays with bottle caps during his daily cage-free play/flight time
- He is only supposed to play on the area rug, and although he will retreat onto the rug when admonished, he kept overstepping.

- He plays fetch with his owner — already amazing — and will bring toy (bottle cap) to her when he wants her to play — even more amazing — this time he “broke the rules” by bringing a bottle cap and inviting her to play

- so she blocks him with “Snake” (her husbands belt), and joins him on the area rug to play

- She accidentally tosses the bottle cap inTo a between-furniture space which he has become wary of and normally never approaches, but she tries encouraging him to go and fetch to see what he would do
- ...and is ASTONISHED by his solution

- in the instant replay, she points out that he laughed with human laugh "ah-ha-ha-ha" at his success (he is also saying other words like "kashikoi" = "clever" etc. — he can talk a lot but it’s almost all Japanese)
- in the end, you see that her "snake" does work — too much in this case since he quit playing "due to the scary snake"

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LEAF SHEEP..... or Leaf Slug
Leaf Sheep (Leaf Slug)
Leaf Sheep (Leaf Slug)

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...and new Pookies featuring RooChan that was cute

- first time getting juice from a vending machine during hot daily walk (31°C = 87.8°F)
- first time seeing money - coins, bills — Kuroda decides to take time to show RooChan money first before using vending machine
>> Kuroda realizes/reminded that RooChan is a “toddler” — “ABUNE-E!” = “Dangerous!” ... I would translate that to “YOWZA!”
- first time seeing juice in bottle (Kuroda said, but I don’t think that’s true - they had grape juice during first time in a bathtub video....)


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I can read some of the hiragana and some of the Kanji but put it all together and I still can't make out full sentences. When Kuroda talks, I can only pick out a few words because he talks to fast for me to pick out the individual words. I have seen some of the Pookies videos before. If you put a child into that position and tempt them, the result would probably be the same. All of his animals are well trained.

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Oh! I missed your comment @imafan. That’s terrific that you can pick up so much of the Japanese. I don’t know if I mentioned before, but I binge Japanese videos like this to get the Japanese centers of my brains lubricated just before I know I’m going to need fully functioning Japanese communication skills. It’s tough to recover when I haven’t been using them for a few months at 100% capacity and get rusty.’s the latest cuteness :wink:

- First time ever popcorn — eating as well as making — for RooChan. KaiKun loves to eat popcorn as a rule, but has only seen it being made a couple of times before.
- Their jaws and teeth’s are strong enough to eat unpopped. Funny that RooChan ultimately decides the unpopped kernels are better.
- Kuroda mentioned that there’s no contest when eating since KaiKun’s cheek pouches are significantly bigger.
- I thought it was sweet that KaiKun is true to his training and won’t (generally) try to grab or eat without permission. Kuroda still "spoils"/tolerates RooChan and won’t try to restrict him even though he does object.


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...I didn’t realize polar bears could be "trained" or that they can be so clever.

This is a polar bear at TenO-ji Zoo, given cut dried konbu/kelp as snack for the first time (though I assume this particular method is routine — there’s another container)

初めて昆布をもらったゴーゴ 2020/09/13

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“Wan Wan Circus” — maybe “Woof Woof Circus”?
— looks like Kuroda was at a one day workshop to learn some “tricks” .... HILARIOUS that at the end when the Circus trainer brightly exclaimed “Hai, johzu!” = “Yes! Well done!” — It really sounded like the praise was for Kuroda rather than the little dog that was doing the jumping. :> Also when Kuroda tried the jump rope trick for the first time..... :lol:


...after that thumbnail hurdle jumping one, Kuroda said “I wasn’t doing anything ... I really didn’t do a thing.” :wink:

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Why some onions were too sexy for Facebook - BBC News

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I remember once a long time ago, a woman cut off the spathes from anthurium flowers because she said that they were "obscene".

Granted in nature all flowers are invitations for the purpose of reproduction, but only people have "obscene" thoughts about it.

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imafan26 wrote:
Fri Oct 09, 2020 4:29 pm
.... only people have "obscene" thoughts about it.....
Only humans could have come up with such a concept as 'obscenity'.

Nothing human is foreign to me. - Publius Terentius Afer ('Terence') c. 195/185 BC

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:lol: Does this need explanation? I have two children 3-1/2 yrs apart so many relatable scenes remembering “help” pushing the stroller ... including near-accidents....

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too cute.

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This Week on Christmas Island: 50 Million Crabs Scuttle to the Ocean
Here's some photos of crab migration 2020. ... ion-photos
What effect has this had on the ecology of the island?
Of the island, 63 percent is national park and it's just jungle. The crabs normally eat every leaf that falls on the ground and every weed that starts to grow. Normally, the forest floor here is really unusual in that it's manicured to just bare earth, so you have all these amazing trees and then just brown soil. But when the ants take out all the crabs in the area, the crabs aren't there to eat the leaves, and you end up with a quite tangled understory full of weeds. It’s a visual effect that people have started to notice in areas that are more damaged, just weeds and stuff growing through.

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These were fun to watch when on SLOW time. Toba Aquarium Bikal Seal feeding time


鳥羽水族館の話題の“おじさん飼育員”さんとバイカルアザラシ2 魔法の手!

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Now I REALLY want a trail cam .... :lol:

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Another cute one from Pookies —
‘The monkey who learned to like human sweets more than fruits — this is bad...‘

- for some reason, both RootKun and KaiKun failed to properly bow when prompted and performed other “tricks”

- “Preference” will be determined by which they pick to eat first
- Plates will be switched to see if selection was made because it was easiest to grab by placement

- Kuroda had suspicions about KaiKun’s choice since he really likes baked/cake goods. He did think RooChan/RootKun would pick natural food just by appearance/recognition.
- I think KaiKun is aware that he would get fruits in his daily meals anyway, but only has opportunities to eat human foods as special treats and especially during video sessions.
- RooChan’s behavior seems more instinctive, including reaching for fruits and stuffing his face as much as possible before food is ‘taken away’
- People commented about how KaiKun *immediately* handed over the chocolate when Kuroda held out his hand. RooChan mostly did stop eating during prep when Kuroda used the (apparently) key command “Mo ii” (That’s enough) to have him stop/give up eating, and Kuroda sounded proud that he responded. (bit was funny though when RooChan gobbled up the strawberry into his cheek pouch and Kuroda said “Ooooh he took that one“

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Another Pookies video — there is a female Japanese macaque at Cuddly Dominion that is older — don’t know if same age as KaiKun. Her name is Shizuku (Droplet) and nick name is ShiiChan. She is not part of Kuroda’s stage performance group and is generally more monkey-like, though her trainer/handler has a separate YouTube channel and shows her dressed in diapers and cute feminine clothes, so maybe she is part of the zoo’s visitor interaction program and makes public appearances but not to perform.

In this video, Kuroda and RooChan (baby male macaque) are out on their daily stroll around the zoo grounds with ShiiChan and her handler (F-San). I gather F-san is actual Senior to Kuroda and works closely with the senior primate handler at the zoo.

They comment that it is very cold — Kuroda later comments that it’s -1°C. They walk to the Koi pond bridge (it bugged me that the bridge is rusty — hopefully they‘ll repaint the bridge when it’s warmer), and attempt to feed the fish, but ShiiChan who is familiar with the process is more interested in eating the Koi food herself, and RooChan for whom I think it’s his first experience, emulates ShiiChan and readily eats the fish food, too. ShiiChan likes the koi food so much that she attempts to steal what RooChan has in his mouth.

The humans decide to follow the regular practice of stopping at the “juice machine” — I’m wondering isn’t it too cold for Juice? — and Kuroda wonders aloud — “ what kind of hot juice do they have?” HOT JUICE....? They *pick* — multiple choices — HONEY LEMON. Initially, they are concerned that the can and contents are too hot for the monkeys.

(At this point, I’m reminded of the much more advanced vending machine industry and technology they have in Japan — I’m sure you’ve heard about it. This is coupled with the less issue they have with possible vandalism and theft that limit such widespread availability ... but I recently read that plans are in the works to adopt these kinds of vending machines in airports and major train station hubs in the near future. For all *I* know, they ARE already available in some major cities and maybe tourism centers?)

ShiiChan opens her own :shock: and drinks it all. ( I recognize this bottle-shaped aluminum can — we have been getting deliveries from a local Asian restaurant that sells melon soda and mango soda in same kind of cans. )

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Another Pookies video — this one was interesting.

お猿さんに「単語ボタン」を買ったら頭良すぎて会話ができるようになった… - YouTube
Monkey is so smart I could have conversations with him using voice-recordable buttons

“Uni-yashi” = “Uber good”
“Oyatsu” = “Snack”
“Mo ii” = “No more”
“To-chan” = “Daddy”
“Dai suki” = “(I) love you”

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Recently started watching this channel. Kevin was born and grew up in the USA (Georgia?) until (his family?) moved to Japan Sophomore year in High School. He sounds fluent in Japanese but occasionally demonstrates lack of some ordinary Japanese cultural back ground and vocabulary. The other two are Japanese, so they would have had basic English as second language classes in school, and one of them had spent college years in France and is fluent in French and English as well.

In this episode, he presents English sentences that are grammatically correct but would be difficult for his friends to to read/understand/translate.

The 2 friends discuss (in Japanese) words and possible meanings they don’t know/recognize (“Maybe ‘Buffalo’ could be a name of a place?” “Maybe ‘man’ means to create by hand. Maybe there is some deeper meaning when used as a verb.” etc. Then, Kevin reveals the answer and correct translation…and the 2 friends react like, “…had NO IDEA ‘complex’ could mean that.”

First one took me by surprise but I guessed the meaning of “buffalo” as verb from context. Others were pretty straight forward, but I’m still trying to unravel the last one. :o. He does say the last one feels like it needs some punctuation marks to be grammatically correct. I paused it and am working it out for myself before Kevin gives away the answer. :wink:

*Worlds most difficult English sentences are too difficult to understand! Is it TRUE these are grammatically correct?*

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The other day, I got one of those super obvious scam texts — it was group addressed to my phone# +18 other people (already pretty bad) and said “your” Applestore ID was locked due to malfeasance or something to that effect. It’s was SOOO obvious I laughed and made fun of it with hubby and then deleted it. But just before I swiped left, one of the other 18 people replied with “LOL” :lol:

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Maru picked up my dropped item but doesn't want to return it.

…Maru is the ORIGINAL liquid cat…

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That's a very unusual cat! :D

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This morning a scammer sent me notice that my #$%^& account was past due. The message was from the Costume Department.

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Cats are really liquid and they like squeezing into small spaces and claim high spaces. I once had a cat that liked to hide in empty 12 pack coke boxes and ambush me as I passed or dart out of the box to ambush my other cat. I also had a different cat later that tried but was too fat to squeeze into a shoe box. You don't really need expensive toys for a cat if you have a cardboard box and some string. However, peacock feathers are very expensive cat toys. I don't think Maru was too happy with the organza bag on her head.

Cats also like warmth. They like to sun in the windows and sleep on old tv's. They can't really do that on a newer monitor. All those videos of cats riding roomba's, though, I think those cats were trained, My cats hate the robot vac and would never ride it. And they hate when it goes into their territory.

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Original caption said: “If you can’t unsee these boxes as capybaras, you are tired so go to bed.”

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Photo posted by Japanese tourists who rented a car in LA.
I still haven’t deciphered whether I would have been able to park the car… and I can read English no problem… understanding might be another matter :lol:

If this looks “normal” to you, my sympathies and respect. ;)

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I had a critical government document to file/mail, due next Wed. OR ELSE. Not trusting timely delivery, even though it is intra state, I was on a self-imposed deadline to take to the post office by today.

As it turned out, documentation was not the worst I was dreading, and I thought I had everything needed and filled out and signed yesterday morning. All I needed was to make a phone call for final verification and print out digital files, make 1 full set of copy for file purposes.

As most folks that have been through this kind of deadline probably know, this is when the electronics gremlins start playing tricks on you to throw monkey wrench in the works — the computer glitches, printer glitches, copier glitches, fax machine, etc. etc.

Well, all went well for me except for one page in the copy that ended up with a wide black band across the middle — due mostly to operator (me!) error when in my anxiety, I peeked under the cover of the glass for the copier to snatch out the previous paper while auto-feed copy was in progress. (Duh!)

FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO UNDERSTAND, HERE IS A ‘Spiderwick Chronicles’ reference —
As I was changing from indoor lounging-wear to outside clothes to rush to the post office, I discovered I had been wearing my pink (a shade of red) T-shirt inside out and backwards. Thank goodness for the charm to ward off malicious faeries.

As it turned out, I would have been better off leaving that pink shirt on to go to the post office, but that’s another story. ;)

One last note — I got home and took off my shoes as I usually do as a regular practice. Rushed inside to the kitchen and family room to chat in relief with my family, then came back to the foyer to put away the shoes and put on my supportive indoor shoes … and realized I’d GONE to the post office wearing them. There they were, just inside the door where I took them off as I came in.

… at least they weren’t slippers and would have looked NORMAL at the post office (I wear Sketchers Slip-in — they are super comfortable and convenient … and machine washable)

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