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Re: 2020 What's the weather like where you are?

somehow it didn't occur to me that you're in the next time zone. of course you're almost exactly an hour off!

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I live west and somewhat in a western range of the Rocky Mountains. The shadow of the mountains make my sunrise later than official sunrise.

I used to live not far away in a valley that runs North-South. The sun would rise behind one high mountain range and set behind another. Fortunately, the longest day in the growing season here is almost exactly 16 hours - officially. Winter was a very different story.

My home is not far into the Pacific time zone. If I was to move to the Pacific Coast (at the same distance north), the sunrise that I would see there would be almost 30 minutes later than the one here, sunset would be about the same number of minutes later.


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I've got .32" so far, with a lot more to come. No work outside today! Except maybe cleaning up after the storm moves through. I'm in the 4-5" predicted rain area, and not ending totally until early evening or later.

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It’s been raining but just picked up — hitting the windows / side of the house in not just pitterpatters but surf-like wave noises.

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Update - up to 1.23", and getting stronger. The rain meter numbers go up as I look at it, it's coming down so hard!

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Up to 4.62" now. I went out, briefly, when it had stopped a couple hours ago, to see if there was any damage, and it seemed there was no wind damage, as the wind wasn't too bad. Couldn't do any do any picking, or anything like that, to prevent spreading diseases. Pretty soon after that, the rain was coming down hard again, and the radar shows it coming and going like that for several more hours. I'm glad I got all that garlic dug up!

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It is too HOT. We need some snow.

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I'm afraid snow would do our gardens in. But it's true we do need some relief. It's cloudy outside today and do you know why? It is because I'm trying to dry some tomatoes, that's why it decides to get cloudy. But it's still too hot, I got all sweaty trying to hoe up those nasty grassy weeds outta my okra spot. Current temperature is 90.

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Every TV station has their own idea what weather is today.

Channel 2 says, 98 degrees today, feels like 105 degrees.

Channel 4 says, 100 degrees today, wind chill factor 109 degrees.

Channel 5 says, 98 degrees today, heat index 107 degrees.

WHY do we have wind chill factor in winter and heat index in summer?

I want to know exactly what temperature wind chill becomes heat index?

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Shout out to Hawaii — stay safe from Douglas!

Shout out to the Gulf States — stay safe from Hanna!


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Two weeks of really hot and humid. Seems more like southern weather than mid-west.

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I actually had no idea Hanna was out there until this morning. Guess that's what happens when you ignore the weather channel on TV for too long. Not to mention nobody tells me anything. I use my weather app, but unfortunately it never tells when there's hurricanes out there.

Thankfully I'm not in Hanna's path, she's going to South Texas. But I do hope everyone stays safe!

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I don't remember humidity ever being this bad. Looking out the window air looks like it is full of smoke like there must be a big fire some where. Temperature inside the house is 72 degrees F and temperature outside is 73 degrees F but when I step outside it feels like 90 degrees it is like walking into a very hot steamy shower room. Air outside feels sticky and it feels like it is hard to breath.

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Gary350 wrote:
Fri Jul 31, 2020 10:07 am
I don't remember humidity ever being this bad. Looking out the window air looks like it is full of smoke like there must be a big fire some where. Temperature inside the house is 72 degrees F and temperature outside is 73 degrees F but when I step outside it feels like 90 degrees it is like walking into a very hot steamy shower room. Air outside feels sticky and it feels like it is hard to breath.

That is EXACTLY how my outdoors feels like! I was outside trying to do some much needed work, but by around 10, I had to just quit. Air feels heavy and humid, despite its kinda clouded up and windy out there. Digital thermometer says it's 88 out there. I'll be glad when fall gets here.

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It's hot. Very, very hot. Thermometer says 93 but feels like 200.

My cousin's vacationing across the country, she'll probably contract the Covid and spread it, but the latest picture she showed me of where she was is Death Valley, CA. Said it was 115F there. No wonder it's called DEATH Valley.

I would also like to tell anyone in Florida to please stay safe with the approaching hurricane.

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Isaias literally tore thru — 2 hrs ago official NJ statement — We’re down to approximately 550,000 outages statewide from a peak of 1.4 million :shock:

...we were one of the lucky ones and didn’t lose power. Hope everyone else gets relief soon!

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Temperature the past couple of days has been in the triple digits. It reached 101 today, and that was in the shade. No rain in weeks, and according to weather there was only a couple of very small chances for another week. In my opinion, only 10-30 percent chances of rain, especially during a drought, doesn't count. Due to the extreme heat, wildfires are popping up across the state of Texas. Planes were called in to try and control them.

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It is FOG season here. Fog & rain started Aug 13 about 2 days early. Everything is wet from fog every morning. It sprinkled 2 times yesterday and there was a small rain during the night. Rain 20 to 30% every day. 70 degrees this morning it feels hot and sticky clothes feel wet after being outside only a few minutes. House window glass looks frosted with streams of water running down the glass. Vehicles under car port windows are covered with water too can't see through the glass. Temp was 89 yesterday & going to be 88 today. Patio furniture wet no place to set. Fog usually lifts about 10 to 10:30 am. Fall is on the way. I dread winter 6 months of rain every day Nov to April. Oh well we have to take the bad with the good. Wish I could be in AZ Nov to April 30.

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Fall is on the way.
I was thinking that, too. Even though it’s still so hot, it’s almost past time around here to start planting for fall crops, and Already too late to start seedlings to grow for transplanting (Except maybe lettuce and other quick crops). Direct-seeding will barely make it to maturity by first frost for many fall harvested crops that take longer to mature.

Definitely time to be making plans for overwintered crops for early spring harvest and where to plant the garlic, beds to clean up and prep this fall so they can be ready to work as soon as the ground thaws in spring.

... LOTS to do.

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applestar wrote:
Sun Aug 16, 2020 8:30 am
Fall is on the way.
I was thinking that, too. Even though it’s still so hot, it’s almost past time around here to start planting for fall crops, and Already too late to start seedlings to grow for transplanting (Except maybe lettuce and other quick crops). Direct-seeding will barely make it to maturity by first frost for many fall harvested crops that take longer to mature.

Definitely time to be making plans for overwintered crops for early spring harvest and where to plant the garlic, beds to clean up and prep this fall so they can be ready to work as soon as the ground thaws in spring.

... LOTS to do.

I'm already planning my winter crops as well, but unfortunately until temperatures drop to at least 80-85 I cannot get any started yet. Today reached a high of 102 in the shade. I need to water my okra again in the morning.

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I guess that's a good way to get it to rain. Tell yourself the evening before that you are going to go feed and water your garden the next morning.

The severe storm was highly unexpected since my weather app just kept saying 0% for yesterday. It was around 1 in the morning, I was awake for a couple of hours watching horribly bright lightening, and listening to exploding thunder that shook the house.
According to radar, I didn't even get the worst part of it, the gargantuan red blob headed down to Houston and missed me completely.

Woke up this morning to nice 74. It felt quite nice outside while I tended to the garden, but it warmed up quickly. Current temperature is already 85.

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TomatoNut95 wrote:
Mon Aug 03, 2020 12:19 pm
It's hot. Very, very hot. Thermometer says 93 but feels like 200.

My cousin's vacationing across the country, she'll probably contract the Covid and spread it, but the latest picture she showed me of where she was is Death Valley, CA. Said it was 115F there. No wonder it's called DEATH Valley.

I would also like to tell anyone in Florida to please stay safe with the approaching hurricane.
While traveling the country year after year I avoided Death Valley several times because I though it was a big flat hot worthless nothing. When we finally went to Death Valley we learned it is a very nice place. 115 to 123 in summer & 75 in winter was no problem when we were young & skinny but now 80 degrees is Hot to me. There is a lot to see I could spend several weeks there easy and they have a very nice camp ground with, water, electric, bathroom with showers, restaurant, grocery store, post office, visitor center. I never did get to see Bad Water it was always closed every time we were there. I want to make a special 2000 mile trip just to see Bad Water. There is Titus Canyon wow I love it. There is Rhyolite ghost town this is great. Scotties castle. Kingman gold mine. Borax mine. Several abandon mining towns and mining camps. Several abandon mines to explore. Dec to March is good time to visit. This pool is a nice thing to find in the desert we stayed in water most of the day it was about 110 that day. Some people travel the world but there is more to see in this country than anyone can ever see in a life time.

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Today I risked a heatstroke this afternoon in the blistering humid 95 and pounded stakes for my okra, put potted plants away and putting anything away that might blow away. I am currently exhausted and plan to go to bed early tonight.

Current temperature is 88. According to radar, I may get a few stormy blotches from Marco. I will begin to be flattened by Laura starting tomorrow night or Thursday morning.

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I know the feeling. It took me three days just to try to find places to put all the pots and stuff in my patio. I still have stuff from last year in the garage that never came out. I even had to call out of work. Luckily we only got some rain and not much wind.

However, two storms back to back in the gulf is scary. There will be impacts no matter what you do. I just hope you can keep yourself and your family safe. A cat 1 hurricane is enough to cause power outages and flooding if the storm moves slowly. It is also enough to blow off roofing and blow out windows, but not nearly as bad as a cat 5 which can level everything. Even if some of the plants go down, some may still be able to be picked up. Some may initially look o.k. but might show signs of damage 2-4 weeks down the line.

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7am sunny, nice, 73 degrees, wind dead calm, predicted high 84, evening showers.

It is interesting that all hurricanes above the equator rotate counter clock wise. Flush toilet or drain sink it rotates counter clock wise. It is also interesting the east side of the storm produces all the rain and picks up, speed, water, power, over the ocean this is produced totally by the temperature differences between ocean water & heat from sun. When hurricane hit land it looses power then it coasts across the country like a vehicle that ran out of gas dumping rain. Every TV channel has their own idea where it will hit land and which way it will go after that.

9am is my yearly check up with Doctor Bendover.

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:shock: nutz:

...Laura is gaining momentum. Stay safe TomatoNut and mom!

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Thanks everyone, Laura will hit us sometime this evening or in the night. Already getting windows boarded. Okra is staked and I put away everything I could. Potted plants will be stored in the storage building if building isn't crushed by tree. Now all that's left to do to hang on tightly like Applestars windblown emoji. If no one hears from me, then goodbye my friends. 😭

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This definitely doesn't sound good - Laura is up to 150 mph now, at 5 pm, and increasing - 157 is cat 5! I hope that anyone in its path gets out of there! Not sure what plants have a chance, at those wind speeds, but they are the least of your worries.

It was finally low humidity here, and only up to 82°, so I had one nice day! Back to soup the next 3 days, and we may get a small bit of rain from Laura, by the time it gets here.

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I hope you are on high ground. The storm surge looks to be enough to drown everything on the coast for a few miles inland. Hopefully the storm loses strength as predicted. Wood framed homes don't stand up well to a cat 4 or cat 5 storm. After the storm passes, the humidity and mugginess will make things very uncomfortable.

The direction of spin is determined by the pressure gradient from high to low pressure. Cyclones above the equator spin counter clockwise and the anti cyclones spin clockwise. It is reversed in the Southern hemisphere. ... ticyclones

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Mugginess is already been here. Had an uncomfortable headache the past couple of days from being out in the 1,000% humidity cleaning up everything.

Current temperature is 84. Sky is grey and wind has picked up.

I am not that close to the coast, but severe stuff is predicted for my area. As for high ground, unfortunately I am somewhat low. However, my wooden house is built slightly up off the ground. If it floods, the waters will probably come rushing down from my neighbors pasture; but since I am on a slope maybe the water will keep rushing by the house and go on down the road and gulleys past me....

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Friend in Louisiana said, wind speed is 100 mph now.

I think I would be hiding in a storm shelter. Glad I am not there. TV News tomorrow morning will be interesting.

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Thankfully, Laura didn't strike my area near as bad as predicted to be. Wind gusts could've been like 20-30 mph here, I stood on the back porch watching the tree whip about and let the cool wind blow on my face. Current temperature is an icky 84. Sun is shining, looks like storm never happened out there. But poor Louisiana was hit massively. 🙁 Lake Charles is a disaster area. So far I haven't heard any tornado reports, just shattered glass windows on buildings, high storm surges, houses flattened and reported deaths. I think Laura is now a tropical storm, and is currently headed to Arkansas.

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I am glad you are o.k. Louisiana people are resilient, they have been through hurricanes before and it looks like the storm surge was not as bad as the wind. Still lots of damage, but it looks like people are coming back already to start rebuilding. Still, it is a tragedy when any lives are lost.

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This morning around 5 am a cute, but highly unexpected little thunderstorm started. It worsened later on, and it rained hard excessively.

I was awake during the majority of it, but sometime after I dozed off the electricity went off. Generators on now, but HOW IN THE WORLD can my power stay on during a hurricane, but goes off a thunderstorm. I have a feeling that today will stink.

Current temperature is a semi-pleasent 78.

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Wow, I hope you get your power back soon.

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Ha! My power will go off when it rains hard too. There is underground wiring here and when the wires get wet from the rain infiltrating the access holes, the power goes off. Overhead wiring is more resilient in that respect, but I am sure with all the wind you had that it would not take much to stress the infrastructure. A tree could have fallen or something could have knocked down a pole or blown a transformer. The system may be taxed by people drawing more power than the system could handle.

At least you have a back up generator. I hope you are keeping the generator outside and well away from the house windows where the exhaust might get pulled inside.

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It's a small generator and it sits on my back porch. I cannot run the AC unit off it, and can only use one burner on the stove. However, I can use microwave, ceilings fans and it keeps freezer and refrigerator running. When the generator is on, the exhaust is nowhere near an open window, it floats off into the backyard. If I do open a window while generator is running I don't leave it open long.

Current temperature is 94 but humidity makes it worse than that. I went out and raked the hay from around my plants, didn't take me long to start sweating.

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How can it be 60°F right now? It’s not even September yet. :shock: :roll:

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That is cold. I would maybe see that temperature at night in January. It is 81F. here with 59% humidity. There has been a brush fire somewhere every day for the last couple of days and there is fire alert because everything is so dry. The trades are turned on, but that is expected to decrease in the next couple of days making it much more muggy and the temperatures will go up to around 90. July-October are the hottest months of the year and also the peak of hurricane season.

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Had a splotch of rain today. Feels like a sauna out there. IDK if I'll get anymore rain, according to weather radar there are scattered thunderstorms and showers across Texas.

How does one go about suing their power company when all their stupid, crummy outages and constant flickering hurt your appliances, throw a breaker switch and blow your power strip? According to neighbors, I wasn't the only one that lost a power strip. The power company owes me a power strip. And if I lose any of my appliances due to their loss of brains, they'll be receiving my bill for a brand new appliance.

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