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Butterfly action

I walked out today and saw 7-8 black swallowtails on my dill. Now there are little beads on all the dill plants that I assume are butterfly eggs. Maybe 50 eggs I can see after a quick look. I carefully picked some tiny dill (without the eggs) and have decided to let these eggs stay where they are to see if they make it. No more dill for us I guess.
Needless to say I was happy to see anything that was not associated with a horn worm!

No pesticides here but should I do anything else...maybe plant more dill?
The plants are volunteers and are getting quite large so I hope there is enough food. I don't want to raise them but will help things along if I can
I read caterpillars like parsley too.

We don’t like dill that much anyway.
Send advice if you have any...(I read the old posts).
For example should I put thin shade cloth over the plant to keep predators away?

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Super Green Thumb
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Oh yes, I would definitely plant more dill. That way you'll have enough for yourself as well as to share with the beautiful butterflies! Also consider planting more things butterflies will like, such as milkweed, bee balm, and butterfly bushes.

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Our black swallowtail caterpillars like fennell better than dill. We have a bunch of each planted together. There must be 20-30 worms munching away. We plant both just for the swallowtails.

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