Greener Thumb
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what flower is this?

I bought some flower bulbs and they didn't produce anything until now, five years later. I didn't keep the box because I thought they were duds. Now they are in bloom and I don't know what they are. They make me think of daffodils but they are something else. Aren't they cute? I was so surprised when I discovered them today.

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Aquilegia or Columbine — looks like a bit like 'McKana Hybrid' though this could be the native red and yellow species. They never thrived/survived in my garden for some reason even though I tried 2-3 times to establish them.

Hummingbirds like them.

I have the kind with small pink blossoms. In my garden, they are susceptible to leafminers however.

...hmm... they ARE aquilegia, but not sure if they grow from bulbs. They readily produce seeds.....

Greener Thumb
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I think it may have been started from a rhizome, rather than a bulb. A bunch of dirt in a plastic bag is what I remember. I thought that perhaps the bulb was shrunk up and rotten at the time. I thought that it was a ripoff and complained to the store but didn't get a refund. At least I have some flowers after all. They are next to some hardy fuschias and honeysuckle. Once in a while I see a hummingbird.

Greener Thumb
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Now I'm thinking differently. Probably not a rhizome, but rather seeds
mixed with good starter dirt. So I didn't get ripped off after all. Getting ripped off does not make me feel good

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