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SIP Plan 5/19

I’ve got the materials for my SIP bucket planter and I’d like to see if you all approve.
I made the aeration screen from a pot that I’m going to use as a bottomless planter. (see other thread) I’ve got 3 - 11.3oz plastic coffee cans that are perfect at 5inches (2.5 cut in half) and 3 fit the bottom as supports. My only sticking point is a question about the wick basket. Since 3 of these cans fit the bottom, can I use one as the wick pot even tho it will be to the side a bit? This would allow me to notch the side of the screen just as with the fill pipe and not have to make the center hole. Any thoughts will be much appreciated. :idea:

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Got it planted with a Banana pepper yesterday so we shall see.

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Green Thumb
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What did you decide to do about the wick? I have some that have the wick off-center and they seem to work just fine.

Super Green Thumb
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The Earthboxes have the wicking columns in two corners, on one side, so there should be no problem.

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I’m using one of the coffee cans to one side. It seems to be working well so far. I planted a Banana pepper in it yesterday. My only error (so far) is that I blocked the drain with one of the cans so I had to take it apart to move that. I sure hope it works.

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