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question on my cuc's and summer squash

Hello all, I am having some issues with my cuc's and squash, My cuc's seem like they have seen there better days they have produced very well and don't know if there is something wrong or just coming to a end? There are 2 varieties I have. Also my squash are rotting on the vine and not ripening, Wondering if it's a pollination issue or something else? There is new growth and new flowers forming. I am enclosing pictures. Thanks in advance.

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Hi there. You forgot to mention what varieties those are, that would help. ;)

First pic: when my squashes have done that, they did it before the flower even opened up, so I'm not sure what's up there. Extreme weather, maybe? And are they summer yellow squash or a type of winter squash? Poor pollination in my experience has just resulted in smaller than normal fruits, maybe fat on one end and skinny on the other, not rotting... but maybe someone else here has more info.

The cukes look like they're just finishing up, maybe with some downy mildew. To me, with a hot humid climate, that's "finishing up". I can spray them with H2O2 or milk 'till the cows come home, but that'll only slow it down, not prevent it. I just cut the dead leaves off, spray, and get as many cukes as I can before the plant is toast or the cukes turn bitter.


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When mine do that at that size, it is usually because they were stung by melon flies.

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All I can suggest is plant in a good sunny location, weed and water as needed, and hope. Gardening has always been a challenge. Every season has its surprises of weather and pests. We just plant in good faith and hope. Some years we get a great harvest, some years not so much........... but do keep on trying.

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