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Container gardening - Climbing rose

Hi all,

I am a garden enthusiast who is very much interested in exploring the possibilities of planting a climbing rose (in a large Terracotta pot) to cover the front wall (excluding the window area) of my house.

I reside in San Francisco/Zone 7, with ideal weather throughout the year for growing roses. I was leaning towards ramblers, but then I decided against it for I fear that they won't grow well in pots. That led me to choose the English climbing rose (bred by David Austin). I am aware, and I confirmed it with the David Austin representative, that it is possible to grow the climbing rose in a large pot. However, there is also a possibility that the representative could be executing a marketing ploy to make me purchase the climbing rose. It would be much appreciated to hear from the rose growers' in this forum in regards to this topic. In regards to the climbing rose idea, I have the following questions:

1. How high of climbing rose should I choose? Short climber (8ft - 12ft) or medium climber (15 ft). I think 15 ft would suffice, but I could be wrong.

2. Is it doable? As in training the rose to climb against the wall?

Other suggestions/advice are welcome.



Posts: 14067
Joined: Tue Jan 01, 2013 8:32 am
Location: Hawaii, zone 12a 587 ft elev.

It is possible to grow climbing or rambling roses in pots as long as the pot is large enough. Even climbing roses do not naturally climb, they have to be tied up or they become ramblers. You will need to have some kind of framework against the wall for the roses to be tied to. Most wall climbers leave marks on walls when they are removed so I suggest your place your frame about 4-6 inches from the wall so it climbs on the frame and not the wall. I would go with the shorter rose unless you have a safe way to get up and tie up the canes. Climbing roses still need to be pruned and "directed" so I would make sure the canes are accessible.

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