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Orchid slow to flower again

Orchid slow to reflower. When the first flower ended I snipped off near a node. Any advice please? See attached :D

Posts: 14065
Joined: Tue Jan 01, 2013 8:32 am
Location: Hawaii, zone 12a 587 ft elev.

Patience. Phalaenopsis main bloom season is February -June. Late blooming phals are probably doritinopsis. After blooming, feed the orchid with miracle grow for acid loving plants every two weeks. Weakly, weekly ( 1/4 strength). It should put out a new leaf and the tips of the roots will be green. Orchids do not bloom in a growth period. When the orchid is ready to bloom the velamin will cover the root tip. Once you notice the plant is not growing, then stop fertilization and the orchid will begin to initiate budding. Depending on the cultivar phals can bloom every 8-18 months. If the blooms a re taken care of, the flowers can last for months.

Note. If you cut the spike above a dormant node, it will rebloom faster, but the blooms will be smaller. Cutting the spike down to the base will allow the orchid to fully recover and although it takes longer to rebloom, the blooms are bigger on new spikes. Some are seasonal bloomers. If they miss their season, the may skip the bloom and bloom in the next cycle.

Some orchids only bloom once a year and are very seasonal.

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