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Clementine Orange tree wilting / not doing so well

I purchased a "premium" Clementine Orange Tree from fourwindgrower and they arrived wilted and strugging.

I watered it, placed it in the shade and waited a week with no signs of recovering. I decided to go ahead and plant it in soil with a mix if my native sandy soil and some organic potting soil made for Citrus trees.

2 weeks go by and again, no signs of recovering. Leaves are wilted, some are turning yellow.

This "premium" tree from fourwindgrower is also very small. Maybe knee high. Premium my ***.

I contacted fourwindgrowers and they requested a photo. I sent it to them on Monday and have yet to hear from them.

This was taken last week. So far, I had this tree for about a month.

Greener Thumb
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The soil around your tree looks quite dry. Have you checked the root zone to see if the soil is dry?

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Joined: Tue Jan 01, 2013 8:32 am
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When you received it wilting, did you try rehydrating it in a bucket of water?
Potted citrus needs to be watered almost every day, especially if they are in small pots and are mostly roots. It may have been in transit a while longer than it should have been

I would have kept it in partial shade awhile and given it time to come back before planting it out.

Once citrus go past a certain point of wilting they don't recover very well. The ones that do, usually recover within an hour after being rehydrated.

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