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where can I by seeds online ?

Hello to all you magnificent people out there! :D I was just wondering if their are any websites specifically for selling seeds? (if this sounds like a stupid question then I am sorry I'm just completely out of it and tired at the time of typing this)

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If I do a Google search for "garden seed company," outside of the ads, there are 10 companies Google lists on the first page. From every one of those 10, I've ordered seed. Maybe Google is tailoring that search for me. I don't know.

If you do not mean the bigger seed businesses with their websites, are you talking about something like eBay? I'm not an eBay shopper but I know that there are some small outfits that sell seed that way. There are other networks which do some things like that but I'm not familiar with them. Perhaps it would be better for you to clarify. If it is anything specific like organic seed or Asian vegetable seed or bean seed or something - you should be able to benefit from some of us listing favorite sources. Let us know.


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Do you mean specifically selling seeds as in not selling anything else?

Everyone is online now. Any merchant that sends a printed catalog has an online presence.

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Okay I'm going to be more specific where can I buy some seeds for the cactus Cereus peruvianus (AKA Cereus Cactus) I have heard that they make some tasty fruit :-() and the seeds for Stevia rebaudiana (sweet leaf,honey leaf, stevia)

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My favorite seed site is and yes, they do have stevia. You can get the cereus cactus seeds on 25 seeds for $1.50, although I am not familiar with that site. While seaching, it looks like you can buy a cereus cactus plant at Walmart, but that may be a seasonal thing. Hope this helps!

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Two species from the offerings of the seed industry might be challenging. Stevia is commonly available and listed as Stevia rabaudiana. My Johnny's Seed catalog has it and I grew it one year, probably about 10 or 12 years ago and, perhaps from seed purchased at Johnny's.

"Cereus peruvianus" is indicated by Wikipedia as also known as Cereus repandus. That is listed by Tradewinds Fruit Company (link). This company also list other species of Cereus cactus. I haven't ordered from Tradewinds but know other gardeners who have.


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I have heard that it's difficult to grow stevia from seeds. So far, I haven't been successful trying to grow any from my own collected seeds. Also, some people say its best to obtain cutting-grown (cloned) plants from reputable source who reliably describe the leaves from the line as sweet, since quality can vary genetically from plant to plant.

They are not difficult to grow from cuttings. I start back up plants every year, although I still have my mother plant I bought on-line several years ago from an herb farm that no longer sells on line... hmmm you are from Ohio? The vendor's name is Mulberry Creek, somewhere in Ohio. You may want to see if they are still selling to local customers.

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Mulberry creek you say?. I think I have seen that place a few times but I'm not really to sure though I'll check google maps to see if it is within walking distance from my house (because I'm lazy and I can't drive I'm too young :lol: )

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Stevia can be tricky. The seeds are expensive and the germination rate can be poor but if you get seeds that are the right age and you are lucky it may do better for you. Stevia from seeds are like peppers, sometimes they vary in sweetness. Cactus from seeds take a long time to germinate and they do not grow very fast so you might want to start those in a mini greenhouse. I do recommend you go with a reputable seed company. I am still waiting for the pineapple sage seeds from Amazon and they were the only ones that had it. It is supposed to come this week almost a month after I ordered them. Unless it is out of season, I can get seeds from the seed companies in about 10-14 days.

If you order seeds make sure you research the plants and can provide the environment for them. Stevia is a tropical plant that is perennial in zones 9-11 once you can get them started. They don't like extremes of heat or cold. The top dies down after flowering and resprouts from the roots several times a year.

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imafan26 wrote:Stevia can be tricky. The seeds are expensive and the germination rate can be poor but if you get seeds that are the right age and you are lucky it may do better for you. Stevia from seeds are like peppers, sometimes they vary in sweetness. Cactus from seeds take a long time to germinate and they do not grow very fast so you might want to start those in a mini greenhouse. I do recommend you go with a reputable seed company. I am still waiting for the pineapple sage seeds from Amazon and they were the only ones that had it. It is supposed to come this week almost a month after I ordered them. Unless it is out of season, I can get seeds from the seed companies in about 10-14 days.

If you order seeds make sure you research the plants and can provide the environment for them. Stevia is a tropical plant that is perennial in zones 9-11 once you can get them started. They don't like extremes of heat or cold. The top dies down after flowering and resprouts from the roots several times a year.
Well I live in zone 6A so I probably should keep it in a greenhouse of some kind if I get them sprouting. Alternatively I could keep them in large pots outdoors during the summer and bring them inside when it starts to get cold.

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I buy lots of seeds on ebay. I get lots of seeds from grocery store vegetables. I save seeds from the garden.

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I have also bought a lot of seeds on ebay. Mostly unusual things that are simply not available in any catalogs I've ever seen, and it's really strange that shipping is usually free from overseas, while shipping is so high from so many catalogs that I simply will not order from them. And sometimes I want just one thing - usually something in the fall - and I can order just the one item with free shipping. Might be a little more than usual, but there's not a $7.00 shipping for one item!

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Ebay, I bought most of my garden seeds on ebay this year 99¢ free postage.

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