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Re: Applestar's 2016 Tomatoes (& peppers & eggplants)

Pendulina Red and Floragold Basket (survived and recovered from TRM infestation and starting to bloom)


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Here are some of the container variety tomatoes I'm growing managing to grow not kill this year....

Two MMF10 F5's and one MMF8 ... These are still segregating crosses of micro-variety Red Robin and multi-flora variety Rose Quartz Multiflora. The hobby breeder has been selecting for micro size and multi-flora characteristics. About 15" tall at maturity. I'm way late but other growers have reported loaded up productive cherry sized fruits with full/sweet tomato flavor.

TO RECAP- THESE WERE STARTED LAST YEAR, spent the winter battling TRM. These three were only ones to survive, recovered then got overwhelmed again in spring. Really looked like they were goners down to sticks at one point. I can cautiously say they seem OK now.


And these are one Birdie Rouge which could have been grown in a basket and two Gold Pearl Bonsai, though one seems more compact than the other.

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pepperhead212 wrote:I also got several eggplants before my first bunch of ripe tomatoes. Except all of those sunsugars - I don't count those!

Has your pea EP started flowering yet? I just noticed a few clusters on 7-8. The plant is over 5' tall, and in its own 18 gal. SIP.
I meant to post and tell you -- they have glimmer of flower buds -- just bumps on the stems. The current heatwave should help.

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Sunflower & House latest map:


...yes, I know peppers and tomatoes after potatoes? BAD idea? least this will make the bed all solanacea this season and I can rotate to the next crop next summer which would be cucurbits -- probably cucumbers.

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Did you mention you were trying Black from Tula this year?

We compared very ripe versions of Black Krim (this plant is doing so poorly this year), Black from Tula, and Cherokee Purple.

Black from Tula won, hands down. Saved seed. ;)

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My BFT didn't survive the TRM like so many of the varieties I started. Soooo bummed!

With that kind of endorsement, I HAVE TO grow them next year for sure. (Going to go make a note in my next years grow list) :-()

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TOP L & R -- Pendulina Red - two stems of same plant in a single hanging basket
BOTTOM L & R -- Floragold Basket - two different plants in two different baskets
(One on the R is still struggling a bit with TRM)


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I moved the two unknown volunteer variegated tomato plants. They were starting to get lanky in the crowded VGD bed with a little too much shade for their liking. Plus a cucumber plant started to demand more room....

The two plants both still have beautiful variegation on their leaves -- possibly due to the shade they were in. One of them has variegated main stem. I'm giving them a little protection from the sun today.
-- they ended up taking the prime spot that Copper Penny was supposed to go in. :P Only plants that have survived were non-variegated segregates, so they were bumped to the last remaining spot in the SF&H.

Here is a close up of the variegated plants:

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I finally have blushing maters :-()

On the left is my cross of Maglia Rosa and mixed pollen from several varieties. Last year's fruit was pink/purple, indicating the pollen donor was clear-skinned and either Coyote or Faelan's First Snow. This F2 generation looks to me like a clear skinned yellow/white like Coyote, but with Maglia Rosa shaped fruits, only smaller (elongated cherry with a rounded point). looking very sad with the TRM-induced russetting and zippering on the still-green fruits. The blushed fruit has a spot on it like it was even being sucked on by a nasty stinkbug.

On the right as it happens is a volunteer that I think could be a Coyote.


It's a monster plant loaded with small cherry fruits.

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I planted these two Korean peppers and a Japanese eggplant in the beds outside the Family Room where my mini rice paddy is also located -- so this area is kind of designated Asian garden although I don't always stick to that arrangement.

Pepper, Gochugaru Yong Gochu
고추 가루 용 고추

Pepper, Lip Nokgwang

Eggplant, Kamo

- I noticed today that one of the Gochugaru had set a first fruit even though the plant is still small.
- Lip Nokgwang have both been munched down by the little bunny that has snuck in there and has been demolishing the Adzuki beans and Edamame :evil:
- Kamo eggplant has a walnut sized first fruit


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I was looking at those photos after posting and realized that the stupid bunny, who I'm sure was mowing down the adzuki beans and only accidentally ate the pepper plants, had also topped one of the the Gochugaru pepper above the fruit. :shock:

No time to lose! Image
I only had 1/4" hardware cloth handy though....


...I wonder if the wire mesh would help to warm up the pepper plants. I might want to do the same for Kamo since it's outgrowing the re-purposed birdfeeder cylinder.


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FINALLY! First ripe tomatoes were the suspected Coyote volunteer -- now confirmed after tasting: Wonderful burst of sweet and rich flavors :()


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Harvested these today. Coyote and my own cross-breeding projects MRxCF.F2.1F and MRxZM.F2.4B (those green things are chickpeas :wink: )


...more detailed descriptions of the crosses are in this thread :arrow: Subject: Learning • Practicing to Cross Breed Tomato Varieties

Coyote is doing its thing :shock: :D DD2 loves these. After I had taken these photos, I put them in the kitchen, and later when I went inside, I was going to to tell her that I harvested some Coyote, but I realized when I looked in the bowl that she had already eaten all but the greenest "needing one more day" fruits :lol:


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First Gochugaru Yong Gochu pepper :-()
고추 가루 용 고추

Also, 2nd Kamo eggplant and 2nd Fish Lake Oxheart which is not very Oxheart looking.... White grape cherry MRxCF.F2.1B.P1 (Maglia Rosa x Coyote+Faelan's First Snow) - size and shape varying on same plant, Red cherry MRxZM.F2.4B.P1 (Maglia Rosa x Zluta Kytice+Matt's Wild), White currant Coyote, green striped mystery volunteer plant died while fruits were green, red currant unID'd volunteer most likely Matt's Wild, green Berner Rose accidentally snapped off while trying to support. One green chickpea pod.

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applestar wrote:First Gochugaru Yong Gochu pepper { <- I should have said fruit} Image
고추 가루 용 고추

...I was a bit concerned that this might not be the right type because I had the impression that it was supposed to be somewhat shorter and blunter, but according to this, Mine seems be on the right track. This is from a store-bought seedling with no description to speak of except the name which translates to "peppers for Gochugaru" so I will save seeds but I don't know if the plant is a hybrid.
Growing Your Own Gochugaru Korean Chili Pepper Flakes for Kimchi - Organic Gardening - MOTHER EARTH NEWS ... z1602.aspx

the peppers you want grow to be about 6 to 8 inches long.

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First to ripen Whippersnapper x Faelan's First Snow F3-WWL with others in the same cluster and some of the other clusters:


- large heart is (should be) Bull's Heart -- but I'm a bit concerned that the shoulders look yellowish. I will have to do an epi test to make sure this is a pink (clear epi)
- lots of Coyote since I didn't get out to harvest yesterday
- suspected Raymondo's Australian Mist -- it turns out this splits in the rinse bucket when ripe just like Coyote does :?
- two fruits from a likely Matt's Wild Cherry volunteer plant. These came off when I touched them -- MWC should actually turn "can't get any redder-red" before falling off....

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Gary'O Senna -- cross bred from Brandywine and Cherokee Purple -- my first time growing it.

It's a respectable size -- almost a pound. Anyone know why it has this white shoulder/section to this fruit? -- I almost didn't pick it because I didn't think it was ready until I checked the bottom....

Image Image
Bull's Heart originally from Duh_Vinci. :D

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This is the same overwintered plant. Someone told me the fruits that were harvested over last winter weren't wrinkly enough to be true Bhuts. Do you think these summer outside fruits look a little different (wrinklier -- environmental difference -- more true to type)?


Feb. 2016 harvested fruits:



-- tip of the fruit didn't seem hot... As I sliced a couple more slivers closer to the membrane, the third slice hit me pretty hard. I'm not used to seriously hot peppers, so I can't tell if that means this is a crossed/not-true-to-type Bhut Jolokia, or the "Seasoning Naga" which is supposed to be "less hot". (I accidentally mixed up the three seeds I had -- Bhut Jolokia, Seasoning Naga, and Peach Bhut, so it should be one of the three if true to type.

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They look similar enough to me to be one and the same; my bhut is FINALLY setting fruit (doesn't like our until now lack of hot weather - we're finally getting our Summer here, lol) and so far, they are ribbed but smooth. Maybe the develop their wrinklyness as they grow? They are about half size now, me thinks.

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Three Fish pepper plants from my supervariegated selection in the same pot. The front-right (from labeled edge) original mother plant has been over-wintered is several years old, other two were grown from her seeds last year.



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Thanks, @kitchengardener :D Good luck with yours :-()

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Mine are still completely green, lol! But today its in the 80's, finally, and supposed to be hot-ish weather for a while. :)

I have never seen a variegated pepper plant, so thanks for the photos of yours - wouldn't it be neat if the peppers were variegated too? :wink:

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They ARE. ...TO DIFFERENT DEGREES. My SuperVar selection often produces nearly white fruits. But they do ripen to red, except the green parts are red-red and white parts are different shade of red if you look closely.

Here's a link to the Fish Pepper thread and quote with picture of some variegated fruits :wink:

Subject: Fish Pepper
applestar wrote:Yeah, I'm not sure how healthy SuperVarX 2015 is. So far seems to be doing OK and is starting to grow floral trusses. Do you suppose it needs more fertilizer because it doesn't have as much chlorophyll?

For comparison, here is the LeastVar (out of the three plants with SuperVar. MedVar kicked the bucket a couple of winters ago). It started to grow much more variegated foliage ...last year? The year before? And hasn't gone back to the solid green fruits. But it still tends to be taller/lankier and more productive than SuperVar. I'm waiting to see if it grows any more yellow-orange fruits, which might have been a sport.

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Charlie Chaplin
Charlie Chaplin
I had almost given up on him, but it turns out my Charlie Chaplin is ALIVE! :-()

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This pepper is called Sweet Chocoloco. A new variety that is still being developed. I'm hoping the one I have has the correct characteristics. So far so good with the dark immature color that should change to rich chocolate brown color then red. 8) Image
...when cut open, they should be thick walled... :bouncey:

Now that it's cooler, I'm going to try to bag the next truss for seed saving. :()

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Some pepper plants that are producing now --

- L - 2nd year Naga Seasoning or Bhut cross, 3rd or 4th year Jalapeño doing fine in part sun though presumably would be more loaded in full sun, 2nd year Yatsufusa "Yatzy" from Helpfulgardener give-away -- probably would have grown fuller if I had planted in the ground

- C - 1st year Brazilian Starfish -- DOES grow tall and "vine-y" like cherry tomatoes :cool: Peach Bhut, Peppadew, and Golden Habanero are also planted here with expectation of extra tall growth, but so far nothing like the Starfish -- and Golden Hab is actually kind of short ...maybe next year? All except Peach Bhut have green fruits. peach Bhut is blooming and may have set blossoms.


- R - 2nd year Hanoi Market g2 (is this a hybrid variety? Mine is grown from seeds from a gifted ripe fruit) pumping out fruits in the ground, 2nd year Czech Black and new-to-me 1st year Domalik Bieber, sad Jalamundo with mite russeted and stunted blossom end

... Jalapeño had been pretty significantly sucked on by stinkbugs. Since I'm only out in the garden every other day, I really need to check every plant, but the jalapeño is out of the way and I have been too lazy. :?

- PEPPERS - Clockwise from top: little Bolivian Rainbow, Jalamundo with mite russeted/stunted blossom end (I think it should have been bigger/longer), wrinkled Seasoning Naga or Bhut cross, Hanoi Market g2, Yatsufusa "Yatzy" from Helpfulgardener give-away :(), and the stung Jalapeño


- TOMATOES - Dwarf Mr. Snow managed to ripen these two then died (not mottled or bicolored like last year). Good "white" color comparison of with Raymondo's Australian Mist (which split again in the rinse bucket :roll: ) and my MRxCF.F2.1F-P1

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