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Blue Star Juniper standard - browning

I recently purchased a dwarf blue star juniper tree form and found that the underside is browning. The tips of the branches are all still green, but I wonder if this is something outside of the norm.

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There are a number of things that can cause juniper needles to brown. first you have to find out the cause.

Pests and disease cause needle browning but mostly on the tips

Insects- feeding can cause needles to brown. Look for pests along the stems. Roaches will even eat the shoots.

Over or underwatering- damages the roots ability to take up water.

If it is fall, then it may be normal for the older leaves to fall off. Check where the browning is occuring. If it is on old growth not new it may be normal for this time of the year

Good luck. Keep the juniper outside.

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Thanks very much for the quick response. It seems to be old growth and the outside/tips are all still green so I'm encouraged by that.

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I had a prostrate juniper that always did that -- all the underneath needles that never got any sun died.

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