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Re: Spider plant, Off shoots, and seeds

Variegated plants are often mutations that revert. Variegated mondo, pineapple mint and some other plants also do this so I am not surprised your seedlings were green.

Most of the time it is faster to plant offsets than to wait for the seeds and the spider plants are so prolific you don't have to wait long.

I got rid of my spider plant because it put out too many offsets and it was hard to keep it from reaching into other pots and trying to get into the ground. However, if you enjoy your plant and like having all the daughters around, than it works for you.

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Thanks for your reply, imafan26.

I collected the seeds last year because I was curious, I hadn't thought of what I was going to do with the plants if my experiment was successful. I certainly didn't expect this many seeds to germinate. I'll probably give most away.

I've always propagated by taking the plantlets off the mother. You're right, last year's pups are full sized plants now and sending off stolons with plantlets.

I don't have many different plants and it makes me smile to watch them grow and share them with friends.

Holly NB, Canada
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Hi there, I'm new to the site. I have a plain green spider plant that's producing lots of babies and seeds. I polinate it myself. Depending where you live, I could mail you some? I don't know how long they keep, and haven't tried growing them from seed, but hope to. I let them dry on plant. Once I seen it splitting, I cut the pods off. Mine are dried and black.

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This is an older thread so I'm not sure if anyone is still following but I've got 3 variegated spider plants that I potted in the beginning of this summer and they're ALL producing seeds!! I cannot wait to have the pods dry out so I can start new babies!!
I was always told that spider plants won't start shoots and spiderlings unless they're root bound but I don't see how these could be so soon. The ones I have also have curly leaves!! I love them!!
I also have an aloe that's trippled in size in just 2yrs!!

So, I use regular potting soil in all my plants and mix in cactus soil with a layer of rocks at the bottom for good drainage. All of my plants seem to love this including my varieties of Jades.

Would love to know what soil you guys use. I also move all my plants outside as soon as the threat of frost has passed and they don't come back inside until it gets down into the 40's. They seem to love it so why mess up a good thing? Lol

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