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Tomatoes are not coming yet

Hi All,,

My tomatoes plant is tall and full of leaves of haven't seen any fruit yet. What I am doing wrong? What need to be done?
Attached is the current images of the plant.

Greener Thumb
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Location: Brownville, Ne

First to get a better handle on your situation, it would be nice to know where you are, what you weather has been like, how much sun the plant gets, your watering schedule, fertilization and also very important, the tomato variety and when it was planted.

I do know from looking at your plant and pot that the tomato is still relatively small. Container tomato plants need lots of room. A five gallon bucket should be OK but ten gallon would be better. Container tomatoes will be smaller and slower growing than in-ground plants and be less productive. It should get at least six hours of direct sun, don't overwater, don't over fertilize especially with a high nitrogen fertilizer. However, since watering will flush nutrients out of the soil (for containers, soilless mix would work best) you need to replenish nutrients with fertilizer every ten days or so. I would use powdered fertilizer that mixes in water with the the formula something like 8-25-25 or close as you can get. Low N higher P and K. Often sold as "bloom buster" or something like that.

You plant looks very healthy, so hang in there, it will probably do OK.

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Thanks for the reply.
I am in Johnston, IA and weather have been quite warm (in fact 100s past couple of days). It is getting sunlight for about 8hrs a day. I water the plant alternate day in the morning if no rain and try to avoid overflow as much as possible. I haven't used any fertilizer yet. I just planted on the organic potting mix which says have plant food for 6 months. I put those soil about three month back.

Greener Thumb
Posts: 919
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Oskaloosa was our home for more than thirty years and a son lives in WDM, so I know where you are. The only thought is you need to give them a little boost of plant food, like Miracle-Gro bloom booster. The amount of fertilizer in the soilless mix is very small and really doesn't do much. To begin with I would suggest mixing the fertilizer it at half the suggested rate. The tomato should begin to flower soon.

Green Thumb
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Hi Paul. I highly recommend you put your location and/or hardiness zone in your profile so you won't have to continuously answer the question of where you are. Tomatoes are heavy feeders so the medium you are using will quickly deplete its food, as well as leaching from frequent watering. I'm assuming the 8 hours is direct sunlight. Miracle-Gro is a good fertilizer, and has been around for decades. Texas tomato food is another popular tomato fertilizer. What variety of tomatoes are you growing?

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