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What to do with unused weed killers?

Sorry to post this unorganics but I figured if anyone has any ideas about poisons and how to get rid of them, it would be this forum who is sensitive about how poisons affect the environment.

I have a can of unused garden chemicals - the label is very faded but I think I see the words Home Defense and "...iller" which I assume is the word "killer". It also has words outdoors, poison somewhere, but not in sentences. So I'm assuming its either a weed or insect killer. Also, the shape of the applicator mouth. Does anyone know anything about this brand, I believe its made by Ortho? Ortho Home Defense. The container is green, which I assume is used for the yard, and more likely a weed than an insect killer.

So now my question is how to responsibly dispose of it?? Kindly advise as I really want to do the right thing when disposing it.

Thank you!


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Do NOT pour poisons like that down the drain or on the soil!!

You didn't say where you are, but you need to look up your local household hazardous waste disposal facility. This is a website for mine: so you can see what it looks like and what the services are.

When taking hazardous chemicals to a waste disposal facility, be sure that containers are carefully sealed and clearly labelled with the name and active ingredient of the product, if you know. Otherwise label as WEED KILLER, or whatever. Do not mix different chemicals.

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No I won't, don't worry or I wouldn't have posted this question. I found after calling a few numbers, the right company that will pick up and dispose of it. Now I need to find the right containers since I don't have old paint cans or other containers. Any ideas out there? Hoping I don't have to buy containers if I can avoid it.

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When taking hazardous waste materials in, call the company or look them up on line. My city has hazardous waste collection dates that are advertised in the newspaper but there are rules.

They will only accept chemicals in their original containers with a readable label. So you cannot bring chemicals without labels or in different containers.

I have to call for an appointment to drop off materials and I have to be there on time. Appointments are in 15 minute windows. When I call for the appointment they want to know what I have and how much. So I have to say a gallon of creosote, 5 pints of engine oil, 8 oz of diazinon, etc. I cannot bring anything I find later that is not on the list when I call.

Make sure you know the rules for disposing of your hazardous waste.
You should be able to look up a hazardous waste disposal site for your city. Mine is even listed in the government pages of the phone book.

Some other helpful hints from the site
It is legal to put up to 1 gallon of paint in household trash in my city. The paint must be dried or poured into absorbent material. I use oil change boxes for that and double sealed so it won't leak out of the truck.

I have also used left over paint and painted the handles of my tools, the wheelbarrow and even some rocks to use it up.

If the chemicals are still readable and useable, give them away to someone who can use it. Craigslist works.

I don't use a lot of weed killers, I pull most of the weeds by hand, but when I am desperate, I will buy the smallest quantity possible and make sure I have plenty of weeds to use it on.

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Thanks again Imafan (also replying to my other posting). I haven't bought a chemical in years, and haven't used them either, hence all these left overs that are unused and which I've avoided thinking about till now. Whatever it takes, I'll dispose of them responsibly. So far, I've located 2 gallon jugs, and will ask around the community to see if anyone has more I can borrow to store them and have them picked up properly by the company that disposes of hazardous waste.


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Irene - have you checked with the disposal company? Most require that the chemicals be in the original containers. You may be shooting yourself in the foot by transferring chemicals to other containers. I know that in my community there are quarterly chemical disposal days. Home owners have to bring their chemicals - in the original containers - to specified drop off sights. Paint can be disposed of with regular trash if the containers have been left open long enough for the paint to dry completely.

I would not transfer chemicals to unlabeled containers.

Good luck

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The original container were plastic bags, but these have disintegrated in my shed, and the chemical is exposed. There is no way to dispose of them in their original container.label

But yes, I have contacted the local company that disposes of chemicals/ hazardous waste, and they said to transfer them into labeled containers, and that's what I'm trying to do.

Thank you Elizabeth!


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