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Starting seeds indoors, Zone 5b/6

Hi all,

I like to start my seeds in the winter months indoors. I think I started in December last year, but I can't remember. Does anyone know if that's a good time to start in my zone? I'm guessing it depends on what I'm growing, right?


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This is basically a duplicate of the question I just responded to in the Tomato Forum. But yes, it depends on what you are growing. Peppers are slower than tomatoes and I start them a couple weeks earlier. Your seed packet should tell you "can be started indoors X weeks before last frost date" (or before time to transplant them out, which may not be the same).

Melons and squash for another example, are the warmest of warm weather crops and are very fast growing. I usually start them on the last frost date or no more than a week before. That gives the soil a little while to warm up before they are ready to go out. You can find out what your last frost date is; mine is about April 15. So I start my earliest seeds late in Jan and the last ones mid April and I'm usually planting something every week in between.

But December sounds so early. Are you sure you really started them before Christmas? As I said in the other post, it doesn't sound very workable.

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Thanks for the reply. I posted in both places because I wanted tomato feedback, but I guess the rules are all the same. Thanks! :-)

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Well, no, I don't think the rules are all the same. A lot depends on what you are growing. The timing is important to have transplant ready plants at an appropriate time to put them out. That's why I plant seeds anywhere between Jan and April. But soil temperature matters. A lot of things you might plant, like tomatoes and peppers require warm soil for germination, which really means a heat mat. But some things like cooler soil. Most seeds get covered with soil, but some of the really tiny seeds like petunias need light to germinate and can't be covered.

But your seed packets should tell you all that stuff.

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I have heat mats! That must be why they did so well germinating. I can't wait to start again. Last frost dates seem to be key in figuring out when to start stuff (by counting back) and when to plant in the ground. Thanks!

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I would agree with rainbowgardener that planting in December or even January would be too early in your zone for most vegetables. Your last frost date should be about the end of April. Starting seeds indoors can really create some challenges and make for a lot of extra work. I know that from experience and not being patient enough to wait for the right time.

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Did you look at the sticky threads at the top of this forum?
This one might be informative: ... 48&t=33771

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I'm in Zone 7 but have a similar question. I'm about to be starting an indoor container garden of both herbs and vegetables, preferably from seeds or cuttings if seeds ain't an option. Can I start all herbs and vegetables this month since they will all be being started and continually grown in indoor containers in a controllable environment and not to be transplanted outdoors?
Do you need a list of all the herbs and vegetables I'll be starting seeds and cuttings of?

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Yes. Why don't you start a new thread? Tell us about your set up and the vegs and herbs you are thinking of growing -- then we can give you advice on viability. :D

You could then post updates as they grow and discuss any issues. :wink:

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Alright applestar I'll start that first thing in the morning.

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Sorry I didn't get to post early this morning but had some things come up. Now what forum category should I post the info and questions we talked about the other night in? I have a list of Herb/Vegetable Seeds I have and want. So I just need to know where to post the beginning of my gardening journey?

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