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What transplants do you usually purchase?

I am so pea-picking excited - In less than 2 weeks my local nusery opens for the year ... I'm anxious to see what plants and varieties they'll have this year.

What are your usual transplants? Do you do anything particular with your transplants? Give them fertilizer once you place in the ground?

Peppers - Red, Green, Yellow
Hot Peppers - Whatever variety but especially jalepenos
Cucumbers - Only if I see a real nice one ... I direct seed these and had great results.

I'll usually find something interesting and give it a try - Last year I tried squash, canteloupe and watermelon.... Got nothing. Not too worried as I heard a lot of people were not successful considering our wet/cool summer.

We'll see what happens this year.

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I do my own peppers and tomatoes from seed because I can't get those varieties locally. If I'm doing strawberries I like to get them as nice healthy nursery plants rather than as a bag of dormant roots. Most herbs (Thyme, oregano etc. ) I'll get from the nursery, along with things I just grow a few of like cabbages. I can get Brussels sprouts and other cole crops at end of season closeout sale price when the nurseries spring grown ones are oversize and potbound in mid summer. They transplant OK if I tease the rootball apart, and since they like cold weather (post frost) there is plenty of season left for them to mature.

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This year will likely buy a few bell pepper plants for the spring and will buy a few collard plants for the fall.

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Hopefully I won't have to buy any this year :wink:. But in the past, I have bought tomatoes, onions, and pepper transplants.

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Since I have a small plot, I will plant just one eggplant, so I am going to buy that one and maybe some herbs, that I need just one- there is no point in buying seed thor these unless you want very specific variety. I wanted more cucumbers and heirloom tomatoes, so I am raising those from seed.

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Just made myself out to be a liar today. Stopped by nice local nursery and bought several varieties of tomatoes, egg plant, lettuce, bell pepper, and some herbs. I have not been very happy with my tomato starts this year so decided to buy some insurance plants.

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Alex, how much are the transplants down there?

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Do you cook w/ that much thyme? What kind of flavor does it give?

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"What transplants do you usually purchase?"

Tomatoes and peppers. Sometimes a bundle of onions.

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I bought a mixed tray of tomatoes, bell pepper, egg pant, and lettuce for about $10.50. All of the plants were good sized and healthy looking. The tray included 36 plants. We bought a few herbs in 4 inch pots. They were priced at $1.99 per pot.

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Some years, if I grow it, I bought it as a transplant.

Those are the years that I normally am upset about not having what I want to grow, so the next year, I start alot of seedlings.

It just depends on how much free time I have to grow the seedlings, whether I start my own, or settle for what I can get. As well as, how many seedlings I killed!

But, I do not start onions, except for chives.

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tomato and peppers, the H&G stores seems to carry large varities of these because they are popular, so they are rather cheap. I only start seedlings of things the stores don't carry much.

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Last year I planted most all from seed with some success but this year due to lack of time I will be buying more from the nursery. Tomatoes, peppers, celery, cauliflower, cabbage and onion plants. I will still plant my cukes, bush beans and radishes from seed. Can't wait to get started :)

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Just bought a six pack of marigolds for 1.99, because I wanted to plant them next to my started seedlings. I needed them to be already blooming to be good companion plants ( to deter bugs with their smell.)
I wanted to get eggplant and a zuchinni(I don't have seed and I just want one of each), but they didn't have any.

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I buy about 30 tomato plants in trays. Thats all.

If you plant peppers or egg plants then plants work best. I only eat bell peppers is chinese stir fly so 1 plant is all I need, I will grow that from a seed. Your in WI if you start now you can grow your own plants from seeds.

Corn, beans, squash, peas, melons, cucumbers, carrots will all grow from seeds.

I never grow cucumbers they take up too much valuable garden space plus I never eat them anyway. If I want 1 or 2 I will buy it at farmers market.

Next week I am going to start 2 egg plants from seeds, 1 bell pepper plant from seeds, 1 green chili plant from seeds. These will be ready to transplant in 3 to 4 weeks.

I grew sweet potatoes last year. It was the first time in about 15 years. 4 plants made about 25 very large sweet potatoes.

White potatoes don't grow well in TN I think it is too hot here and the soil it not what potatoes like. When I lived up north in Illinois potatoes always did good.

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Joyfirst wrote:Just bought a six pack of marigolds for 1.99, because I wanted to plant them next to my started seedlings. I needed them to be already blooming to be good companion plants ( to deter bugs with their smell.)
ohhhhh is THAT what they do in veggie gardens? I've read about people planting veggies and then they throw in marigolds and I always wondered why.

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Oh yes, I do always buy numerous flats for the flower gardens, and also buy lots of one gallon perennials each year. This year I am trying start a couple of flats of some favorite flowering plants. Will see how that goes. Also save lots of seeds to be broadcast the following year in a mass planting area.

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