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Re: Do FLOATING CORN seeds mean they're not viable?

I debated the merit of single variety versus mix and decided it didn't really matter. My corn patch is so small, that if two varieties get planted, they always cross anyway. So I now just dump the seeds in together and take what comes. When two good varieties of corn mix, there is almost no way that the resulting ear of corn will be anything other than 'good'. Sometimes the corn comes out bicolor and sometimes is comes out uniform. Haven't had a bad tasting ear yet!

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I've finally finished transplanting most of my corn. Most of them were started in 2" soilblocks as described earlier in this thread, plus some extras in 4"x4"x6" deep pots of loose potting mix.

This year, I'm interplanting them with peas and fava beans that have been growing in the bed already. I've added extra fish fertilizer In the planting holes to hopefully overcome the initial competition, and am hoping that once they are done and cut down, the dying roots of the peas and fava will release the nitrogen in their nodules The pea and fava "straws" will be used as mulch also (not tilled in). I'm hoping that the established legumes will have deeper roots and deeper N deposits for the deep corn roots, as compared to the typical method to undersow with clover seeds after corn is established.

--- (this may all backfire, with the peas and favas rhizobia "stealing" from the fertilizer and not bothering to store any N :lol: )

FWIW though, EVERY transplant hole I dug to plant the corn seedlings uncovered average of two or three earthworms. I think they like the soil in that bed. Also, I didn't find any pest soil denizens in this bed -- no slugs, grubs, nor wireworms. Two instances, I dug up very energetic centipedes. :-()

Most of the plants are 6-8" apart except for the peas which are 2-4" apart in their two rows.

Planted Double Red Sweet corn (100 days) in a block of about 5 ft x 5 ft, Howling Mob sweet corn (85 days) in two septate blocks of about 5 ft x 4 ft and 3 ft x 8 ft. 3x8 block is planted 8-12" apart in a separate bed and is not interplanted.

Also planted what appears to be an accidental cross kernels on Double Red Sweet cobs that I'm calling "Orange Squat" because of their shape and color. They are in a "block" of about 2 ft x 8 ft in two rows.

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I was thinking about where to plant what, and when I got to thinking about sowing corn, I remembered I did this last year. :()

Looking at the time stamp, it looks like it's time to get started. :-()

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new to the forum so hopefully this question is appropriate for this thread. :) in the next two weeks I'm going to be building some raised beds and I'd like to plant corn (love sweet yellow) but I'm shying away from it because the area I live in gets incredibly windy and I would only have space to plant about 9 stocks.

should I go for it or will it be a wasted effort?

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One of these threads may help answer your question :D

Corn - how much for family of 5? •
How many plants would you guys recommend for a 5' x 5.5' bed and ... A small crop of corn does not do well so you need to plant it TOO close ... ... hp?t=34005

corn row question •
The exception would be a small bed planting of corn; "square foot", "lasagna", or whatever you wish to call it. There, 12 inches or so spacing, ... ... hp?t=25864

Space needed to grow corn - 4x4 being the smallest ...
I remember another poster refering to plantings of corn. ... This scheme in the drawing will give you some corn in little space. ..... I have raised beds: 4'x8' and I am opening up some new soil... not rich with humus, no mulch or ... ... hp?t=22084

In the past before collecting and hand pollinating, I found 9 wasn't enough at all, and 16 worked somewhat better.

I will note that it is difficult to collect pollen for hand pollinating when windy. You may want to cut the tassels and keep in a vase of water in the house for daily collection. This technique may be mentioned in one of the threads linked above.

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Thanks Applestar! I read two of the links you sent me to last night and I've decided to give it a try I love corn so even if I only get 10 cobs I'll be thrilled. it's just my husband a room mate and myself living there so we don't need a lot. Thanks again for the helpful links :()

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I don't usually keep corn more than a couple of years because the germination rate falls off sharply and I need pretty much the whole pack planted to get enough corn for me anyway.

I did find out recently though that seeds will keep better for long term storage in the freezer rather than the frig. Just make sure you only take out only what you need since the seeds don't like to have a lot of freezing and thawing cycles.

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About three years ago I took a new approach with my corn seeds. I began combining my fresh seeds with the old seeds.
Good move. (Assuming same variety) I do the same. I figure that the older seed may have a bit poorer germination rate, but I always end up thinning a bit any way so it works out well.

I always plant several varieties, but am likely to plant them all the same day. They will have different timing on the tasseling, so I don't think they cross much. Then I will plant more of the same 3 weeks later.

Another plan I have played with is plant only one variety, and plant 3 rows then when it is up and 3 inches tall plant 3 more rows etc. for as many plantings as you wish.

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