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Love my daylilies - Hemerocallis

Have more yellows than anything, but have many others as well, red, pink, melon, orange, and more. Wonderful perennial that withstands harsh conditions.








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They are beautiful! I love daylilies! :)

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I enjoy the flowers all day, and then on our late afternoon walk in the garden, my wife and I snack on the petals. They are quite tasty with a crisp texture. They are best in the morning, when the flowers are very fresh. The yellows are our favorites for snacking but all taste somewhat similar.

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You have such a variety of colorful ones!
Thank you for sharing your pics!

I've actually never tasted any Daylilies. Are they all edible? If they are I'll have to try some when ours bloom.

The butterfly certainly seems to be enjoying them!

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Daylilies are great. I can't believe yours are blooming already. Mine are suffering. They can survive a lot but we just started the growing season not too long ago and currently undergoing a severe drought... my plants are all suffering. Anyway, I did not know daylily petals were edible. That's interesting.

Thanks for sharing the pics. Your daylilies look great.

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Love your daylilies...

I have the bright, deep yellow ones which are blooming now. Love lookin at em! :D

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Photos from this a.m.

One cluster in the veggie garden beds.




















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Here are a few photos from another day's daylily blooms.





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hendi_alex wrote:I enjoy the flowers all day, and then on our late afternoon walk in the garden, my wife and I snack on the petals. They are quite tasty with a crisp texture. They are best in the morning, when the flowers are very fresh. The yellows are our favorites for snacking but all taste somewhat similar.
Are just daylilies edible or are my asiatic lilies edible too?

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Daylilies, Hemerocallis, are in no way related to true lilies. Lots of flowers are edible, squash blooms, day lilies, violas and many others, but be sure that you know exactly what you are eating before you try it. I'm sure that you are aware of the many plants, all of whose parts are poisonous, some quite deadly.

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Simply beautiful!!! I am cultivating an area for day lilies. My stellas are blooming now, but those are the only ones. I have to split some of mine. I usually do it in the spring, but can you do it now or in the fall?

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It is best to divide plants during late fall or early spring in most areas. But even here in hot S.C. I can get by with dividing during the hottest periods if the plants are given a little extra care. If I were dividing plants this time of year, would place them in nursery pots in a morning sun/semi shade location and keep them moist. Would move them into the beds in the fall or spring.

My wife and I drive back an forth between Greensboro very often. The mass planting of stellas on the interstate right of way have been simply breathtaking for the past couple of weeks.

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petalfuzz wrote:Are just daylilies edible or are my asiatic lilies edible too?
Asiatic lily bulbs are edible. I don't know about the flower petals.

Definitely heed Alex's warning about not eating anything unless you KNOW for a fact that you can eat them. There's a fall flower , the name of which escapes me at the moment (not Autumn crocus, it's something else...), that flowers in a ball-like cluster atop a stalk (kind of like alliums) -- usually red or pink -- that is deadly. Some plants are harmless when young shoots but are toxic when mature, some have edible fruits but toxic leaves, etc.

Alex your flowers are gorgeous! This thread looks like a catalog of daylilies! Watch out or we're going to start asking for their names.... :P

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We had a hobyist breeder, R.M Kennedy III who bred and kept detailed records for several decades before his death about 30 years ago. I got almost all of my plants from his stock, none of which are named. I'm sure there are some named varieties that came out of his work, but ours were just bought from his unnamed plants. I have a couple of reds that are named varieties and perhaps a yellow or two, but those tags are long gone. I generally do a few unscientific crosses each year and keep only the best plants that result. That is kind of fun, making the cross and then waiting two years until bloom, to see what the flowers look like.

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I enjoyed your pictures!!!! I moved a couple years ago and just visited my old yard last week. I noticed all the beautiful daylilies that I planted 3 years ago are blooming. I'm going to ask if I can come and divide them this fall and bring them to my new yard. I so miss the color and joy they bring to my garden.

Thanks for your input on dividing and when to plant. I might go and get some even this next week and put them in containers in my yard.

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So beautiful! Thank you for sharing! I just created a two new beds that I would love to make predominantly lilies. I hope mine turn out even half as lovely and healthy as yours!

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