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New to this. Need advice on front and back lawn in Ireland

Recently moved into a 3 year old home. It had immaculate grass before we moved in in November. Now almost a year on it isn’t looking great at all. I did not fertilize. It did reseed in April/May. Any general advise? Another reseed required? I’ve been recommended to get liquid seaweed fertilizer. Some mossy section at back of the back garden where it can get wetter.

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I have noticed that new lawngrass often has quite a struggle starting out the few years.

What it seems to need, most importantly, is regular watering. This may be more true with sod than seeded lawns. The sod is often put down by the construction crew over the most compacted, infertile ground apparently, much as they might lay out something synthetic, indoors.

Certainly fertilizer is of benefit but it can be overdone. Given the short roots of most lawngrass, short of making standing puddles, it would probably be difficult to provide too much water. This is just my notions living in a semi-arid climate. Here is wishing you the best of luck with it. Your home's outdoors looks like a pleasant place despite a few problems with the lawngrass.


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It also looks like the mowing height is probably not right and you are mowing off more than an inch. Some of the brown spots may be from grubs or disease. It might be better if you hired a lawn service. In their contract they should include fertilizer and keep the lawn at least 75% weed free. In return, it will be your responsibility to make sure you water adequately. You need to adjust watering for season and it is best to do that with an in ground sprinkler system. Most grasses need an inch of water or rain a week. If you have a good landscaper they can advise you on how long you need to water and how often. Most lawn services mow every two weeks. For weed suppression, you do need to be reasonable. They will probably use a spot herbicide. If you expect them to only hand weed, it will cost more. They should notify you when they fertilize or apply herbicide or pesticide so you can keep people and pets off the grass until the re entry time. This notification should also be in the contract.

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