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Pumpkin leaves browning

I have pumpkins and my plants are quite large but recently the leaves on several of the vines have started browning around the edges. I fertilize and water at the base. See no bugs.
Any ideas?

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Welcome to the forum! Where are you located? I assume pretty far down south, as in most places, the squash is pretty much gone - I just pulled all my plants a week ago. Just some brown edges around this time is a minor problem, compared to pests and disease.

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I am in Arizona. Pumpkins are just starting to fruit. My biggest one is just starting to turn orange.

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If this or worst leaf is closest to the pumpkin turning orange, that might mean the plant is lacking micro nutrients like magnesium, and other minerals.

What kind of fertilizer are you using? Did you side dress with dolomitic lime or azomite when fruits started to form?

If this is the case, at this point for quick relief you need appropriate soluble minerals liquid fertilizer micro-sprayed onto the leaves. One method I use is water suspension of dolomitic lime and kelp meal — a cup ful in a bucket of water, stirred and then allowed to settle overnight, then liquid above the solids scooped out and strained into hand-pump pressure sprayer.

Thoroughly spray both top and bottom of leaves.

BUT — and I could tell better if I could see photo of leaves — also check for squash bugs and leaffooted stinkbugs (or their egg clusters under leaves and along leaf stem or vine) especially if a wedge shaped section of leaf turned yellow.

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