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Sugar Water Damage? (Poinsettia)

I'm no green thumb...I watered a couple poinsettia plants with sugar water without reading about it first. Now I read online that it was not a good idea... the plants are starting to wilt and the leaves are turning yellow and falling off. Is that most likely from the watering? I did it once, but it was a high concentration of sugar. Is there a way to reverse sugar-water damage? Also, they developed a white mould on top of the soil.

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Joined: Tue Jan 01, 2013 8:32 am
Location: Hawaii, zone 12a 587 ft elev.

I have never heard of giving poinsettias sugar water. If there is mold on top of the soil, it may be too late. Poinsettias are throw away plants. They are usually only kept for the season. Most people under/over water them and don't give them enough light.

A poinsettia can be kept in warm climates. It needs to be cut back and repotted in April, and cut back again in August. The cuttings can be planted to start new plants once the ends have dried. In September they have to be put in the dark for 14-16 hours a day for 8-10 weeks and then brought back out to the light to get them to colour up for Christmas. They are white fly traps, but cannot be sprayed once the leaves have coloured up or the leaves will fall off. Poinsettias will grow over 10 ft tall in the ground and will normally bloom around March.

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