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Help identifying this plant and how to care for it

So I have had this plant for a while, it blooms with gorgeous flowers.
However, I really want to know what is it called, how to better care for it and how to collect its seeds or propagate through cuttings if possible.
Any information would be great, thank you.

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Joined: Tue Jan 01, 2013 8:32 am
Location: Hawaii, zone 12a 587 ft elev.

It looks like New Guinea sun impatiens. Quite a misnomer, since it handles less sun than regular impatiens in my yard. Your plant could use a little more light. It is lanky. I cut back some of the longer stems so they branch. You can try rooting the cuttings. If you turn your plant more, it grows more evenly. Usually in the ground, they form a mound of bloom and don't need to be pruned.
It grows in shade and dappled sun and likes soil to be kept on the moist side. It does not like to completely dry out.


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thank you so much imafan26

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