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Largest tomato of 2017 thread

Somebody had to start it, right? This one is just a pup, but you have to start somewhere. It's a Lehrer Tomate for carelessly saved seed :P


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Very nice :D
My bigger tomatoes are just starting to come in. Not sure if I will have a competitor this year -- maybe Wes will make an effort, or maybe Amy Sue with Giant Syrian ancestry? There's a pretty good sized Mikhalych too....

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My Cherokee Purples are getting fairly bIg, much bigger than my Brandywine Reds.
I was debating on whether to replant these next year or not. But after eating one I will definitely be replanting a few.
It took a while to learn how to pick these as they split so quickly and the ants love them. You really need to be on top of these. I've been picking partially ripe and in a day or two they are good to go. The one in the pictures below was picked, sliced, taste tested, seasoned and tossed on the dehydrator for sun dried tomatoes.



sorry didn't weigh it but I'm guessing it was about 13 lbs. :D

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Uh uh. In THIS THREAD, you have to show photo of the candidate on the scale. We trust you are not cheating. :wink:

This is, by now, an annual tradition. :-()

P.S. GORGEOUS tomato there. Would be perfect on an oval slice from big loaf of rye or something. :D

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My current largest is not quite 1 Lb -- 15.6 oz Mikhalych picked today blushed -- it will be a few days before it will be fully ripe.


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1 lb 4.6 ounce Beef Steak variety called Big Beef. Very good flavor, excellent slicing tomato, very good in everything, salsa, chili, stew, soup, salads, sandwiches, sauces, and just eating.


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Yay! Joining the 1 pound club :()


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My big beefs are starting to ripen, but my largest yesterday was only 14.7 oz., still no 1 lb+ this year. The Cherokee Carbon produced a number over 12 oz., and produced more total, so far, than Big Beef, but again, no 1 lb. tomatoes.

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So here's another Lehrer Tomate...1 lb, 12 and an eighth ounces. There is another monster that is on the same truss that this one was. I'm pretty confident it will be my first over 2 lbs....we'll know for sure in a couple days... :cool:


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Ok....this'll probably be my final entry.

First...over 3 lbs off of one truss. The maters were virtually clones, and really pretty.


And what I'm thinking is the biggest I've ever grown...2 lbs, 2.5 ounces. 34.5 ounces! Not as pretty though and not quite ripe, but more rain tonight and I wanted to get it off of the vine.


All three are from my Lehrer Tomates, saved seed from various year.

Now someone will come along shortly and drop a 3 pounder on us....lol....

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Wow! Very nice :D

Do you have a picture of how you were supporting that truss? :shock:

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I didn't do anything special. The LTs are very sturdy, and this truss developed right between a major branch and the cage.

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I'm just gobsmacked! Those are some HUGE tomatoes - you sure you don't have steroids in your soil? :wink:

Truly impressive.

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Nope...nothing fancy in the soil...just a variety that gets large. I mix in some compost, some black kow, and let her rip. Funny thing is, I grew some "steakhouse" hybrid from the burpee catalog that was supposed to get BIG...up to 3 pounds according to the catalog...and none of them were much more than a pound.

Here's a BLT on a standard sized white bread...that's one slice of tomato...and this isn't even one of the huge ones...lol...


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JayPoc wrote:Nope...nothing fancy in the soil...just a variety that gets large. I mix in some compost, some black kow, and let her rip. Funny thing is, I grew some "steakhouse" hybrid from the burpee catalog that was supposed to get BIG...up to 3 pounds according to the catalog...and none of them were much more than a pound.

Here's a BLT on a standard sized white bread...that's one slice of tomato...and this isn't even one of the huge ones...lol...

This should be an ad somewhere, something for living the good life, or organic gardening, or farmers markets...because it looks like the tomato version of popeye when he's just had his spinach, lol!

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I think I'll refrain from posting anything in this thread lest I be laughed off the forum! :)

Besides, I don't own a scale; yeah, that's it...I don't own any scales...

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