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Droopy Poinsettia

Hello friends

I was busy yesterday and in hurry I forgot to water my plants and left for office. Though on the way to work, I realized that I could call up somebody and ask to water the plants, but being very new to gardening I thought let us just see how bad the effect is on the plants if they are not watered for a day. What a mistake I did! I came back at night to see my croton petra, coleus and poinsettia had become droopy. Though coleus and Croton did not get affected too much, but the poor poinsettia was badly hit. What should I do to make the poinsettia alright again? Is it possible or my plant will never be back? :(

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It will either come back or it won't. Just have to hope that it can.

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Poinsettia usually recovers from complete wilting if it was only for one day. Some of the lower leaves may dry up and die, however.

Cool Member
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Joined: Mon Jan 30, 2017 8:59 am

It did come back..yooohoooo!! Thanks guys! :)

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