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Dwarf Meyer Lemon Tree Lost Leaves

:cry: Hi there- I have this baby dwarf Meyer lemon that has been outside...just brought inside today. It lost all its leaves and it's branches are all browning, new blossoms all died and fell off. Can I save it and if so, how? Thanks in advance!!

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I'm not sure why you cut off the green branches. Some of the branches that are dried and brown do look dead, but the green branches will probably grow new buds and shoots if it recovers. You may need to cut off that baby fruit to help conserve energy.

Did it get overwatered? Did it get too cold? Both could result in loss of leaves.

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Agreed, you can cut deadwood out and the plant is too stressed to support fruit. I think your pot is too big so be careful not to overwater. Overwatering may be the reason why it looks that way.

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Thank you both for the input....
Applestar: I only trimmed off some of the dead limbs yesterday, but very little. I tried to get all the dead brown limb off, to where the green started. Should I leave the rest as is then, and wait and hope for new growth to take over?
imafan26: I hardly water it, and actually thought maybe it was dying due to under-watering. But I am not an experienced gardener, which is why I posted heer to try and get some help from people who know better.
I have tried to follow the directions on the label closely, and it seemed to be doing great at first - had new growth and several buds a few months ago. The weather locally has been warm up until recently, usually in the 70's-80's. The last few weeks it has dropped down and this week its been in the 30's and 40's at night, hence why I brought the pot in yesterday. I received the tree from a very dear friend, so it has sentimental value, and I really hope to be able to save it. I guess I can alwyas take in for a road trip down to the local OSH or nursery for someone to look at it as well..?

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Are you keeping it in the house? It will need good light. Meyers can take 40's but don't really like to go much below that. It can be out in the daytime. Sudden changes in light will make most trees lose leaves so it is best to put it back in its normal home in the daytime if it is warm.

Test the soil for dampness. Citrus trees can take deep watering but don't like wet feet. Mine are planted in pure black cinder so it drains very well and needs to be watered everyday or two. If I don't water by the 4th day, the leaves start to curl. My oldest potted tree is almost 20 years old, the youngest is probably around 2-3 years old (I bought it this year). The small ones are in gallons and the largest is in a 20 inch pot. Some are in between in 5-7 gallon pots. I have kaffir lime, calamondin, Tahitian lime, yuzu, Meyer lemon, Satsuma mandarin, and a Eureka lemon. Some I have in multiples like calamondin, Meyer, and Satsuma. The Yuzu, Kinsu, and Eureka I have killed before so I just get one of those at a time.

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