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Roses does not look like roses

I've tried googling but to no avail. All my rose plants are having new buds and when they bloom, they first look like a rose and quickly changes overnight. The petals are curling outwards exposing the middle of the rose flower

I know it's something that I'm doing wrong because all three of my rose plants are acting the same. Can anyone let solve this mystery for me? Thank you!

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I'm trying to attach the picture here but not sure if it's working...

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That is what rose looks like to me. Sorry, I'm not sure anything is broken.

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Roses are sold in bouquets as unopened buds. When they fully bloom out that is what a rose looks like. Roses may have as few as five petals and as many as 35 and bud forms can be urn or ovoid. There is nothing wrong with the rose. When the blossom fades cut it off above a five leaflet node and feed the rose. It should rebloom in 6 weeks unless you live where it gets frosty.

Where I live, roses bloom year round. My roses are very old though and I probably should consider replacing some of them.

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Hahaha! Omg thanks people. I have NEVER seen a rose full bloomed before it seems. Gosh #generalKnowledgeRIP
I was so worried I was doing something wrong.
thabk you people!

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There are many, many different varieties of roses and they have slightly different shapes, both as buds and as mature, opened flowers.


The website that is from is lovely and has better pictures of them:

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rainbowgardener wrote:There are many, many different varieties of roses and they have slightly different shapes, both as buds and as mature, opened flowers.


The website that is from is lovely and has better pictures of them:
Thank you the link was very helpful! I just realise how to reply to posts too. I'm so sorry people for freaking out. The last thing I want is for all my roses to die due to my mistake.

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No, it's fine. We much prefer people to ask questions early if they are worried, rather than wait until their plants really are dead.... :D

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There are no bad questions. If there is a problem (for me anyway) it is how to manuver the questioner to a teachable moment.

FWIW the faster you ask, the more likely your problem is to be fixable.

There is a ghostly collection of dead juniper bonsai radiating away from this and most all gardening forums, that no question was ever asked while they were still alive. :(

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