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Bare Back Yard... Ideas?


I am trying to decorate my grass-less backyard. I know it is a difficult time of year to grow new plants but can anyone recommend any good budget ideas which might look nice in this particular yard? Any advice will be greatly appreciated.



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Your location would help us give you better ideas for what plants will give you a good bang for your buck.

And is this a roof-top garden? Will it support the weight of large pots filled with soil, water, and plants?

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Also the size of the area, how much sun it gets and what you plan to do in theyard. Is it just for looking at? Want a sitting area? Vegetable and/or herb garden? How deep is the soil or if it is on a rooftop are you looking for containers and plants?
Your zone and available light will determine what kinds of plants will be able to survive there. how much maintenance.

Realize that if you want color all year, you need to choose plants with good foliage color and texture and different plants that will bloom at different times of the year.

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Thanks for the replies! I'm in the West of Ireland. The area gets plenty of light, although sunshine is rare in Ireland, especially approaching Autumn!

I am looking to create an area that is pleasant to look at. I'm thinking about sowing ivy to fill up the wall space? I will put effort into maintaining it regularly. Weight will not be an issue. I have bought lots of plant pots so I am ready to start immediately.

Thanks again!

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Also, a sitting area will be important as my housemate is a smoker and I want to make it more appealing for him and others to smoke outside

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wow... quite a challenge! Is the space to the left of the railings with the roof vent and trash cans or whatever they are, yours as well? If not would you be allowed to put up something to screen that view? I'm thinking of something like bamboo roll fencing (which could easily be taken down again later).


then at the bottom of the picture there's a sort of walkway and something that looks like a ladder on its side, then the asphalt or tar paper area. How easy is it to step over the ladder thing?

And you still need to give us some idea of the dimensions of this space.

Inspiration pictures always help. Do an image search on ideas for very small patios.

Here's a couple I found that way:




Think about white washing that back wall (if allowed) to lighten the space up. Think about decorating it. Think about building a bench along that wall so you could sit looking away from it. Think about putting down a thick layer of light colored gravel/rock over the black asphalt/whatever. It will also lighten up the space, reflect more light up to whatever potted plants you put there, and keep the roof from absorbing so much heat.

So on the right hand edge where the little potted plants are, it looks like it is a drop off on the other side? I might think about putting a row of potted hedge plants all along that side. If you look at the sample photos above, a lot of what makes them appealing is the sense of enclosure - a very private, secluded, safe little nook. Your space is small, but so far doesn't have that because of being open on both sides. Closed in, with lots of potted plants, seating area, etc it could over time become a very pleasant little space.

Is there electricity available there for a fountain pump? Some kind of little water feature, either a wall fountain on the back wall

or any kind of small water feature tucked in a corner amongst potted plants would add a lot of ambience:


As these show, you can do the small pond in barrel without a fountain, but it takes knowing what you are doing and careful maintenance for it not to become an algae filled mess.

Welcome to the Forum! Do be sure to keep before and after photos for yourself and share with us! :)

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Hi Rainbowgardener,

Some great ideas there, thank you! The area in the picture (attachment 1) is the back of the next door derelict building. The area to the right (please see attachment 2 below) is the patio of my own apartment. However, we have decided to clean up both spaces and make them more attractive. I regret not taking pics prior to now, big challenge indeed! I just added all of the plants in attachment 3 this week. Great idea about the bench at the wall, perhaps a canopy also to encourage the smokers when it's raining!

You asked about the area to the left of the ladder. This is a light material and must not be walked on as it would easily break. I'm not sure what to do with it.

We do not have electricity out there but the water feature is a great idea. I also like the gravel/asphalt idea on the tar area. Although it is stronger than the material to the left of the ladder, I would not be comfortable about having many people stand there. However, plants and gravel should be fine.

Attachments 2 and 3 is our own (tiny) yard. 2 is before, 3 is after. Any thoughts?

Thanks again,

Attachment 3
Attachment 3
Attachment 2
Attachment 2

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I would get a firepit which doubles as an outdoor BBQ with the addition of a grille. It would also make it more comfortable to be outside when it is colder. An outdoor table set with an umbrella. I would put a screeon on two sides to give the area some enclosure. Plant something tall and narrow like bamboo in long deck planters. Or, you can create a lattice screen fence for privacy but also allows the cigarette smoke to dissipate. If you get tall planters, your plants can be smaller like 3ft tall . In a tall planter they will look like they are 7 ft tall. A lattice trellis can be planted with a vine either perennial or annual. I prefer annual because vines are a lot of maintenance in the long run. I would use astro turf on the ground to "green" it up but still be low maintenance. if you choose the right kind of mat you could even put in a putting green, croquet, lawn bowling, or some other game that will get people to want to be outside more. Run an extension cord out in good weather and hook up the tv. I would clean off the wall. I am not into whitewash but if that is possible it would be an idea. If you are alowed to paint it, I would like to see a faux painting done that will make the yard look bigger. Containers are good. If you go with containers go with big ones not a lot of small ones. Bigger ones are easier to maintain and they make a bigger impact in the space. The pots don't have to be the same size or shape but they should be simillar in color or design so they look compatible.

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That wall is fantastic. I just love it as it is. If possible I would hang some planters on it. I second larger pots. Put them in groups, it looks better this way. Also think about some herbs, it would be nice to get fresh herbs to pick for dinner. Maybe even few veggies like tomatoes.
Nice table and some seats, maybe umbrella for rain and sun to hide from.

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Thanks again everyone for those wonderful ideas. I have used the hanging basket idea (please see attachment 4 below) and I aim to add more across the wall. I am also going to attach some climbers and grow some vines on them.

I have also added a canopy due to the West of Ireland frequent downpour of rain! Does anyone have any further ideas for amendments? Also, the canopy is okay but I would love to make a (budget) retractable shade going from the door to the wall, which would fit more people during poor weather. Any attractive ideas there?

Also, there is an extractor fan beside the patio (please see attachment 5) which I would like to screen. What would be my best option there?

Thanks again,

Attachment 4
Attachment 4
Attachment 5
Attachment 5

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