Greener Thumb
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Principe Borghese leaf curl

I grow about 6 tomato varieties (OP) each year. One of them is always Principe Borghese, and almost without fail it, and only it, has leaves that curl downward. Its health & productivity seem unaffected and the other varieties growing around it don't have the same symptom. Comments?

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Super Green Thumb
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Maybe it's just how the plant is. Do you grow just one of that kind? Is it always planted in the are spot?

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I usually only worry when the leaves curl up. There could be a lot of factors. I could just be a varietal thing or that the plant needs more water than the other plants or it is more temperature sensitive than the others.

Greener Thumb
Posts: 1356
Joined: Mon Apr 13, 2015 9:02 pm
Location: Port Alberni, B.C. Canada, Zone 7 (+?)

Hi Lindsay;

I usually grow 3 Principe B. - always been in the same long tomato bed but not the same section of it. I guess I'm not much concerned about the leaf curl. The plants seem OK otherwise. Just thought it curious and wondered if anyone else noticed it being specific to P. Borghese.

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