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Interesting, we work so hard to have a sterile environment to inoculate the growing medium with the spawn etc. And have limited success...

But, nature finds a way and it grew on basically, your trash, you weren't trying to keep that bag, or to start the mushrooms at all.

That reminds me of finding morel growing on a son's sneaker under his bed!
I could only assume that he walked on some of them.

That might be a new way to grow mushrooms, permaculture or stinky sneakers!

I still haven't attempted my mushroom spores, actually I forgot about them until I was going through seeds planning this years garden and what to order.

Good luck Applestar, looks like enough mycelium to start several mushrooms.

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The mycelium looks healthy, you'll have mushrooms soon. I know you're washing your hand and arms before entering their space. Pick them before the sides began to turn up.

My daughter has started common mushrooms from spore, that bought from the market. She is wanting to get: Chicken of the Woods, from a supplier. Last year her Oysters did well until the dreaded mold came to dinner.

84pagirl, if you keep the area where you planted the Winecaps damp you may get some this year.


applestar, I wouldn't turn that compost. I'ed keep it damp and let them fruit.

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:arrow: Subject: Mushroom Gardening?
applestar wrote:@hendi_alex how are your shiitake logs doing this year?

I FINALLY got the chance to try this



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joshbuchan wrote:were r u getting your spores from?

I seen at cabrey garden center they are selling like 7 diffront types of dryed mushrooms sporses and 3 cardboard slabs to grow them in!
they have shiitake, orysters, pink oyster!, button and a good 5 6 more!
they are very cheap aswell, with a guide on the back telling u how to grow.

I am going to get some.
I was websurfin' and came across this Dutch site selling mushroom plugs like the ones I get. ATM I have NO IDEA about the quality of the vendor, but I'm plugged into a website where a Dutch member has been asked for her opinion, so maybe more updates later. ... elen-kefir

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Her summary comment about Vreeken: "Vreeken has good seeds but it can sometimes take weeks even here in Holland before they send out your order. They're too popular for their own good I guess. ;) "

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