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Shaping help for my first bonsai

I would like some help on how I can get this bonsai filled up and shaped. It is so out of whack right now, I don't know where to start with it. It is my first bonsai that that was given to me because the previous owner didn't want to take care of it anymore. I am not sure what kind it is, maybe some kind of ficus? It had many dead limbs on it which I clipped off, and left it bare. I watered it until the water went into the bottom plate, and let it sit for 10 minutes and then watered it again to make sure all the soil was wet. I have fully read about how to water them so the next step is to get it looking like a bonsai. It looks like someone had joined two trees together to make a larger trunk, but to me it is not shaped well at all. Please help me make this tree look like it should. Thanks!
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Picture of the trunk. It almost looks like a little man...lol The bottom looks dark because I just watered it a bit ago.
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Super Green Thumb
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No need to rush into anything. Since you are new to the hobby might I suggest that you spend several months just getting to know your plant. Learn how to water it properly. Evaluate the soil. Observe, is it root-bound? Know that a supplemental light will greatly improve your results.

I assume that you are keeping it inside for now but next spring it will do much better outside. It may not be obvious but sometimes in bonsai you need to grow a tree vigorously in order to ensure health and afford more design options. So for now I say just let it grow and observe it.


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I have been actually taking care of this bonsai for the past 5 years (watering). It was not mine and the owner got sick of it so she handed it over. All she has done was clip the dead leaves off. How do I tell if it is root bound? The soil has a lot of small rocks in it. I removed all the rocks off the top of the soil, because I had read many post saying to do that. I have two overhead fluorescent lights that are very bright. They stay on all day. Would that be enough light or should I have one closer to it?

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If it has been five years, or more, since it has been re-potted I would say that it is almost certainly in need of re-potting. Since it is a tropical, re-potting is possible year-round but summer (active growth period) is preferable. Read the thread concerning bonsai soils in our bonsai library section. You can mix your own or purchase ready made soil (a misnomer since no actual soil is used)

Small rocks in the soil are good, they provide drainage and aeration. Rocks on top are only an issue if they are glued on, as is often the case with mass produced bonsai.

Fluorescent light is OK, not great but adequate, especially if you can get the plant close to the lights. Light energy falls off rapidly as distance from the source increases.

Styling is very subjective and you must be careful as some species of Ficus are reluctant to back bud. I grow a variety of F. benjamina that does not back bud well and have abandoned individuals after months of inaction after a hard chop.

Everyone who grows Ficus should know this web site:


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