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My Garlic had Babies.

I planted garlic bulbs in early spring. It all grew then seemed to die. I thought it was dead because nothing was growing there for 6 months. The garlic that I planted was seed garlic tiny little bulbs about the size of a pea.

Now the weather is in the mid 40s at night and today I noticed all of my garlic has grown 9 to 14 tops each. It must have had babies.

I have some compost I have been saving just for garlic so now I wonder if I can mulch these little plants with compost.

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Congratulations when do we get a cigar?

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Gary, it could be that your garlic just didn't have time to mature or that it produced bulblets as was suggested. Another issue however stems from planting cold climate garlic in a relatively warm climate. My first garlic attempt was several years ago when I randomly ordered one or two varieties of garlic. When planted in the fall it would do very little then in the spring would grow a bit and then with the first rush of heat would wilt and be ready for harvest. The only problem was that the bulbs were always tiny with cloves almost too small to use. Only last year did I find that some varieties of garlic are not suitable for warm climates, they just wilt and stop growing while it is still early in the spring. After getting the right warm weather varieties of garlic last year, we had a bounty of large to huge bulbs with many, many premium sized cloves that were very tasty and easy to use in preparing meals.

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I simply planted grocery store garlic, that started sprouting on me in the fall of 2008. I had an okay crop, not as large as the original bulb, but lots of them. And it bloomed and made bulbils at the top.

I saved some to grow again, hoping it will acclimate to growing in the winter here and making larger bulbs. And the bed that I had them in, needs to be redug, and enriched, so partly my fault.

What kinds of garlic did you find grow larger in the heat climates?
I am always in trouble with cool season crops. That almost means winter gardening for me, we usually go from freezing winter to hot summer with no transition time.

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