
Greener Thumb
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Super Green Thumb
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Well, it's cute. I think I'd go more for a little green animal.

I've lived in my present home for almost 20 years, about 3 miles from the nearest body of water. There are no forests nearby, trees in yards. This is arid country and in a severe drought.

For the first time ever, I've got tree frogs! I came across 1 about 2 months ago. He now has a friend and they are croaking every evening just a few steps from my backdoor.

I would not mind wearing a tree frog on my hat :)!


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I think trends are just that. Someone does something novel and if they are the cool kids or celebrities then other people join in and it snowballs. It is fun and a harmless activity. Much better and sure to put a smile on some faces, and much less morbid than going Goth.

Greener Thumb
Posts: 1216
Joined: Sat Jul 18, 2015 1:10 pm
Location: Zone 8A Western Washington State

I think wearing a tree frog in your hat would be great fun. I like the cute hair trend. I hope it spreads to the US. And yes, much better than goth.

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