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Large aloe leaning itself over

I have had this aloe plant for about 3 years. It was a tiny tiny shoot at the time, but it has grown to be a big guy. The leaves are very thick, unlike other aloe plants I have seen.

It seems that It is growing one way, and starting to lean to the point that the pot is supporting the plant.

I am against cutting the plant. I scold my mother when she tries to take a piece, even from the shoots.

What should I do? I can lean it against the window for the time being, but when it gets cold I'm sure the plant wont like being on a freezing window.



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Try turning the plant the other way around and staking it. My aloe falls over too when they get heavy. Only the ones in the middle stay upright the ones on the side will grow sidewards along the ground.

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imafan26 wrote:Try turning the plant the other way around and staking it. My aloe falls over too when they get heavy. Only the ones in the middle stay upright the ones on the side will grow sidewards along the ground.
What do you mean by staking it? Thanks!

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Get a stake and put it alongside the plant into the soil and tie the aloe upright to it. because it is heavy you will have to put the stake in fairly deep into the pot.

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It's growing towards the light coming through the window. It was obviously not getting enough, in that room. You should turn the plant around so that to won't develop a permanent bend.

You should also turn succulent plants around at least once a year. In some circumstances, they need turning more often.

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anoori9000 wrote:...I am against cutting the plant. I scold my mother when she tries to take a piece, even from the shoots. ...
Well, aloe has quite beneficial medicinal uses. I frequently clip pieces off to use medicinally (split the piece open and slather the juice on a burn, for example). And they're very easy to propogate from shoots. If you don't do something to keep growth in check, your aloe will overwhelm the pot you have it in. Maybe take one of those shoots and let your mom have her own aloe that she can snip to her heart's content.

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