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Another year and two more Amaryllis bulbs, one is supposed to be 'Apple Blossom' and the other is 'Star Of Holland'. I did a little something different this time, I mixed some potting soil with the coir disk, watered it well and put it uner the flourescent lamp. So will let you know periodically how it is doing. Don't worry, I won't go crazy with the posts about the "scape watch" like last time, I kinda went overboard with that one, tee hee. By the way I do have something else to be thankfull for, since today is a day to give thanks, I finally got FULL TIME!!!!!

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I have apple blossom. They have multiplied and there are a few more of them now. Which reminds me, I should feed them. Don't you worry that the coir will hold too much water? Anything with a bulb should not get too soggy.

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that is why I mixed some potting soil with it, I have not used them too often and so far( knock wood), it has been ok. I am anxiously awaiting a green scape to emerge.

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Amaryllis bulbs have to be large to bloom and if you bought yours it should be bloom size. When I want mine to bloom, I feed them then I cut the tops off, and move the plant the smaller bulbs somewhere else. I sometimes dig them up, but I just usually give them more compost and bulb food and they will bloom about 6 weeks later.

Mine are in the ground year round and when too many bulbs are clumped together and they don't get fed they stop blooming. But they usually survive my neglect. The same thing happens with the glads. They just pop up by themselves once the cormels are big enough and send up a spike. I did buy some new ones a year ago, but some of them have been coming up for years all by themselves.

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Something different is going on on my Apple Blossom amaryllis, something I have not had happen before, it is growing a leaf(I think) on the outside of the bulb instead of the top. It also has another one growing right beside the first one that you can see in this picture, also there is a leaf and I think a scape coming out of the top, so a lot of action going on on my apple blossom. The star of holland is growing to but not as fast as the ab. But here is the pic and maybe you can tell me what is going on and should I be really happy or not.

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You might have a baby bulb coming up.

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That could be a flower scape. Sometimes I barely have leaves on mine and it will flower. A short scape, big flower.

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The action is really going on this bulb, I have leaves and scapes both coming up!!!!

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Interesting. I have cut off all of my leaves and fed them bulb food to force them into bloom, but they always bloomed form the top of the bulb. If it is a scape, cool, that has never happened to me.

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I can't believe everything I have coming up on my Apple Blossom amaryllis, there are leaves on the top and on the side, I also have about 2 or 3 leaves on the side, I can see the baby bulb better now, I can't tell if the ones on the top are leaves or scapes. So will let you know when I can tell.

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My amaryllis collection, they are ALL doing quite well as you can see. The shortest one is the Star of Holland, it is the one that was slow to start to grow, but now they are all growing. I thought I could tell you with certainty that the Star of Holland was going to bloom first, but it is strange, it is opened a little(you can see the white inside), but the scape is still grrowing tall. I have the Apple Blossom staked up because it is going to town, it is almost to the light that my hubby got me. I may have to move it to the computer desk so it can get taller. The coleus is getting tall too, and all of them are doing well.

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The one that is supposed to be apple blossom is opening and starting to show color, now I am not obessessing or fussing or whatever it is called that I do:) But, can someone tell me if this looks like AP? I looked at some images of red lion and it sure is not that, I have 4 Amaryllis now, 1. Ap, 2 Star of Holland,3. Minerva,4. Striped Amaryllis. So I am going to have blooms for quite a while, can I keep them in the house after they bloom? Every time I put them outside something happens to them, last year they both got something called Mosaic Virus which I have never heard of before and I had to pitch both of them, so I was thinking of just leaving them in the house and growing them that way. Letting them bloom whenever they wanted to, just as a experiment. What is your opinion?

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It is hard to say when it is still in bud but Apple blossom are pink at the tips of the flower so, it probably is Apple blossom.

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I know nothing about this plant, so I did a little googling and found this at
When the flowers have faded, don't get too anxious. Water and care for your amaryllis as long as it has green leaves. Trim off the flower stems. As to the leaves, allow them to wilt naturally, but do not cut them off. Give the bulb as much light as possible and fertilize it monthly with a balanced, organic fertilizer. [Note: if you set the plants outside during the summer, choose a spot that gets some afternoon shade.]

Do all this until July or August.

At that point, your amaryllis needs rest and a much-needed vacation. Let the soil dry completely and store the pot in a dark, cool place (but not less than 50 degrees). In 2 or 3 months, retrieve the plants and cut off any lingering leaves. Return the plants to a sunny window and resume watering, but not soakingly. Amaryllis bulbs don't like wet, soggy feet. Flower stalks should appear from 3 to 8 weeks later, depending on the variety and conditions. With good care, your bulbs will bloom for many years. You

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Here it is, it is Apple Blossom! Gorgeous isn't it?

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Nice. My amaryllis needs to be fed before it will bloom. Mine is out in my front yard. Amaryllis and glads keep coming up every year or so. One of the glads is budding up now. I think it is one of the ones I got last year. I need to cut the pelargonium and see if my amaryllis is still there. It can stand being dry, it just won't bloom but I don't know about a light hog.

I only have to divide my amaryllis and daylilies when the clumps get too large. If I don't they stop blooming.

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did you know the apple blossom amaryllis blooms sparkle? I did not know that!

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When the light hits them right they can.

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another case of what it says on the box is not what is inside, the one that says Star of Holland someone said it is Mamba. I always wondered how they even try to know what color is in each box and how they have them made up. I think I would love to have one job that all I did was put these lovely bulbs in the CORRECT box and ship them out knowing that if the person who buys them follows the instructions right they will have a beautiful flower to enjoy when it is cold and icky outside.

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Here is what everyone says is Mambo, it is doing quite well.

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Very pretty! I had a regular red amaryllis -- not even sure if it had a name -- for several years. I put it outside during the summer months and it came back strong every year, but then it got rust and while I was trying to decide what to do about it, got caught up in a surprise early skip-frost-and-freeze so that was that. :(

I always thought it was fantastic that such a huge flower would bloom in the middle of the winter to brighten the gloomy winter indoors. :D

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Here is the first bloom on the second amaryllis, isn't it pretty? Is this a Mambo?

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someone told me that this is also Apple Blossom, is that true?

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Here is a picture of the baby hippi on the first apple blossom this year, how much bigger does it have to be to put in its own pot?

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Amaryllis can grow in a clump. The baby will not bloom until it sizes up. For now I would leave them together so the leaves can make the bulb bigger and separate them later when the season is over. I do not have to dig up amaryllis every year to store them, they do fine in the ground in zone 12a. I just have to separate and renew them every couple of years because the bulbs don't size up well when they are crowded. Usually they have to be about baseball sized to bloom. Tennis ball size may or may not bloom.

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I agree with imafan-Plant them in a bigger pot, and leave alone for about a year. I don't know where you are located, but in zone 9, where I am, I don't separate mine until in the fall. When you re-plant, make sure to leave about 1/3 of the bulb out of the dirt/potting mix.

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I had the amaryllis out in the garden all summer, and they grew leaves like crazy, but now they are asleep, I cut the leaves off and the roots and they are snoozing away. I have them in a dark, cool place and check them every once in awhile to see what they are doing. So far nothing but of course it has not been long enough. Will update when something happens to them.

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I put my 4 amaryllis outside to grow in the sun and boy did they! In August I brought them in and put them into dormancy somewhere dark and cool, the thing I can't understand is, one of them is sprouting already! It is not very tall of course, but I repotted it and watered it and now comes the worst part,PATIENCE! LOL. I also forgot to label them so it will be a surprise which one this is.

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I repotted one of my amaryllis that has started to sprout, I am somewhat confused( my hubby says I stay that way, lol)! I put them in dormancy the last part of August, I have been checking them and this one has started to regrow! Is that normal?

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That would be how I would replant amaryllis to get them to grow. Actually and amaryllis that is big enough will bloom without any leaves at all.

From my understanding when you lift bulbs for storage, they are just kept damp but not wet and in a cool dark place. I think yours has not gone dormant. I is still getting light and it must still be warm. You can keep it as a houseplant. It will grow new leaves and mine can bloom for Christmas.

Before I knew better, I used to dig them up and put them in a paper bag with some damp newspaper for about six weeks in my refrigerator drawer. Lucky I did not kill them. They did survive and they stayed dormant that way. Then I found out in the tropics they can hang out all year, they don't need to be chilled, and they don't even like to be cold.

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I have noticed little black bugs crawling all over my amaryllis bulb, what are they and how do I get rid of them? Do I have to repot the bulb?

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if they are in the soil and the soil is moist they may be fungus gnats. They are a nuisance but it means your soil is staying wet and there is poor air circulation.

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I repotted the 3 amaryllis from last year, watered them a little and now comes the worse part, waiting, not my best thing to do :lol: So will update when something happens. I have read that you are not supposed to water them again until they show signs of growth, I will not water them anymore. I do not know which is Appleblossom and which is Mambo, so I WILL label them if and when they bloom. Things might be different after they bloom and are put away for dormancy.

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I would still make sure they do not go completely dry. Water enough to keep the soil from totally drying out.

When I cut the leaves off my bulb like that when the bulbs are a good size, it is the same as if I were forcing them. They will send out a bloom even when there aren't any leaves.

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The three amaryllis are not doing anything at all, I have been waiting until they were dry and watering them a litlle. I was just wondering if I need to put them back into dormancy, keep them in the pot and put them where they are cool and dry. What do you think? You people are good at giving me advice and good advice too. Here is the pics of them, maybe you can tell from them.

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They look a little to dry to me. If the bulbs are smaller than a softball they may not be big enough to bloom yet.

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Update on Dec.6, the three amaryllis are not doing anything and I just found out that the one that has been growing leaves will not bloom this year, so just one amaryllis and one bunch of paperwhites this year. Kind of disappointing about the one but the leaves are pretty though. Every webpage I have went to says if it grows leaves first it is not going to bloom, shoot! But I hold out hope for the paperwhites and the morning glories I have planted, one has come up and it is getting very tall.

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Actually, bloom is dependent on bulb size and not leaves. I have mine in the ground all of the time so they bloom with and without leaves. If I want to force them to bloom for Christmas, I would feed the amaryllis bulbs then cut off all the leaves from the largest bulbs and hopefully 6 weeks later they will bloom. Sometimes the bulbs are too crowded and and I underfeed them and that can cause them to bloom less. I usually have to replant and space out the bulbs every couple of years.

I actually don't really know about letting them go dormant. It is warm enough here for them to be out in the garden year round and really, I don't pay much attention to them at all. However, I did notice that the geraniums are overrunning them so I may have to move them or cut a hole in the geraniums so they can get more light.

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The one my hubby got me is starting to open, will post pics when you can see the buds.

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Hopefully you can see by this picture how it is staring to open.

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