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My Bonsai is dying - Please help!!

Hi everyone,
I received a lovely Bonsai as a gift for my birthday and now 4 weeks later, the leaves are falling off and many are yellow. I am watering it every few days but unsure whats happening. I see a white moss forming on the top also... I'm in desperate need of some good expert advice as I want to save it asap. Many thanks. I'm attaching a picture also. :cry: :cry:
Bonsai dying (.jpg

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I think your bonsai is a ficus. It is a better tree for keeping indoors than many. But ficus are very sensitive and easily drop their leaves with changes in conditions. The good news about that is that since it is prone to dropping its leaves, it also readily grows them back.

The "white moss" is probably mold and it is a sign that your soil is holding too much water and staying too wet. In spring you should repot it into a more free draining bonsai soil (which will be mostly inorganic and quite gritty). In the meantime, let it dry out a little more in between waterings, then water thoroughly when you do.

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Thank you Rainbow Gardener. This is so refreshing to hear !! and if you look closely at the picture, you can see many new buds appearing... :)

The bonsai sits at my desk indoors at the office, so I wasnt sure if it needed to be outdoors, as in the evenings there is no air con. ?

The soil always feels dry and that is way I water it every few days. Should I change the type of soil? I see little white balls within the soil. Is this a worry?

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suemazzo wrote:Thank you Rainbow Gardener. This is so refreshing to hear !! and if you look closely at the picture, you can see many new buds appearing... :)

The bonsai sits at my desk indoors at the office, so I wasnt sure if it needed to be outdoors, as in the evenings there is no air con. ?

The soil always feels dry and that is way I water it every few days. Should I change the type of soil? I see little white balls within the soil. Is this a worry?

You haven't said where you are, what season you are in, what the temps are, etc. The fact that you mention air conditioning makes me think you are somewhere in the southern hemisphere. In the growing season, it would probably be better for it to be outside, but ficus are pretty adaptable. I have a full size (non-bonsai) ficus, that is indoors most of the time and on a shady screened porch the rest of the time. But the A/C is very drying, so it is better for it to be off. Ficus are native to the tropics and the heat does not bother them.

When I said before repotting, I meant changing the soil. " In spring you should repot it into a more free draining bonsai soil (which will be mostly inorganic and quite gritty" I said in spring, because I am in winter. I wasn't thinking about you being in summer. So probably once you get through the heat of summer would be a good time to get it in to better soil.

The little white balls are something like perlite or vermiculite. They are mineral and are added for better drainage, air and water circulation.

Do a little reading about ficus bonsai care.

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sorry, I am in Dubai, and at the moment we are in winter, going into spring season. The temp is early to mid 20s at the moment. Am guessing it's re-potting time then :wink: I will need to take it home to repot it. And then bring it back in. Yes?
And yes, you are right, I need to do alot more reading.
many thanks for you advice so far. It has been much appreciated. :)

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exceptionally hard to maintain indoors, especially an office with no air con

bonsai shouldn't really be kept indoors unless very good conditions for the species

take it home and care for

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