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Cutting Edge Grass Seed - Too Good to be True?

I'm not too sure about how many of you have heard of this, but I am getting ready to buy some Cutting Edge Grass Seed and plant it in September after I till the yard. I know it sounds too good to be true, but there are a few golf courses using it now. Any experiences? Can I use my Scotts Turf Builder Plus 2 Weed Control as a fertilizer? They recommend an organic fertilizer but don't mention any fertilizers that fit the description.

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I had never heard of it, so I went looking.

It does sound too good to be true (and you know what they say about that). They are making lots of claims some of which have been shown to be untrue:

Apparently they won't disclose what kinds of grasses are in their blend. Supposedly KY blue grass based but very deep rooting like fescue. Very expensive like $8/ lb + shipping if you order online, compared to less than $4 / lb for ordinary grass seed. If it does all the things it says (lush long lasting lawn that needs little water, fertilizing, mowing), you might decide it is worth paying double.

Please keep us updated, love to hear how it works for you.

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Their claim of being OMRI listed is true. See for yourself at OMRI.ORG. Isn't OMRI is a kind of gold standard for organic products? CuttingEdgeSeeds seems to be a legit company. If you do purchase their products absolutely come back and let us know your experience.

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I'm trying it. I have no feedback from users anywhere based on personal experience so I am going to till my ENTIRE YARD in September and plant seed. Screw it! I'll be the guinea pig on this one. Will be taking pics!

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I followed the link to the makers page, it looks like it is mostly Kentucky Blue Grass. The claims they make looks good. I would like to replant some of my lawns with a water miser kind of lawn. Do keep us posted. What is the cost per pound, and can I get it local in 50 lb bags?

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There is a lot of chatter on other forums about this seed. Unfortunately it's misinformation. I will say this once to get it out in the open. There is another forum with a discussion about this company that is spreading misinformed opinions based on an error. The person posting on that other forum mistook statements made on a spam site for the official site. The statements under discussion over there were not made on the official site.

Then some other guy popped in here to complain about an order he placed with another company. Cutting Edge Seeds does not sell directly to the public. You have to go through one of their dealers. Jeez Louise. So I removed that post because it was malarkey. This is a No Malarkey zone, right? 8)

I aim to hold an honest discussion about the seeds. No unsubstantiated rumours. Just the facts.

To this end I contacted the cutting edge seeds company and they sent me a box of sample seeds to share with our members. The purpose for sharing is so that our members can test it out firsthand instead of relying on the opinions of strangers who have ZERO experience with the seeds.

No need to compensate me for the postage. All I ask is that those who receive the seeds plant it and report your experience on this forum. The goal is to have a truthful discussion about this grass seed based on actual experience.

If you wish to volunteer to participate in this discussion then please PM me and I will send out a free sample of Cutting Edge Seeds to you.

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I have also seen the negative talk on the interwebs. I had a guy at work tell me today that my yard will be brown from October to May and it creeps onto the neighbors' lawns and they're all going to hate me. When I asked him what grass it was he said it wasn't the same brand but they're all the same. Perhaps he is of that negative mindset as well. For a completely different seed! I am very optimistic about this and am going to take pictures and post the results here. I will get started with this project in September and will follow the directions to the T.

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I would like to get some sample Cutting Edge seed to test. Thanks

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I would like to try the seed and would be happy to report on my findings. Please let me know what information you need from me.


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jlavado wrote:I have also seen the negative talk on the interwebs. I had a guy at work tell me today that my yard will be brown from October to May and it creeps onto the neighbors' lawns and they're all going to hate me. When I asked him what grass it was he said it wasn't the same brand but they're all the same. Perhaps he is of that negative mindset as well. For a completely different seed! I am very optimistic about this and am going to take pictures and post the results here. I will get started with this project in September and will follow the directions to the T.
Sounds like your guy at work is talking about Zoysia (sp) grass. John

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I would like a sample as well and I will post results.

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I would like to be included in your test for CuttingEdge seeds. I live in an area of Texas which is experiencing a severe drought. It would be great if these seeds could grow in my hot, dry climate. Thank you.

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My husband & I are going to try this seed in the fall. I'll be the test person. The webmaster mentioned that it's easy to get into a bad website. Can you give me the number so I can call in direct to purchase, so I don't put my credit card info into a scammers hands??? I figure $100.00 is not all that much to test this product. Lord knows I've wasted more than that to experiment in my garden & yard!!!!

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If you want to find a dealer there's a dealer locator on their official site:


If you wish to have a sample sent to you simply send me a private message. Click the button beneath my post that looks like this to send me a Private Message:


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I ordered this seed through the "As seen on TV" route - several searches landed me at the same site so I figured that must be the way to go. I was wrong about that part - it took six weeks to get my seed and when my box arrived, 4 of the 5 bags were open and my seed was loose in the box, and next to the mailbox, and on my floor - you get the picture...

I tried contacting customer service for the company I ordered from but will not be able to speak with anyone until tomorrow. Depending on what happens with this company, I will either be returning the box with whatever seed is left in it but hopefully their customer service will handle it correctly. However, I thought I would post what the mixture lists as ingredients since someone was asking about that:
9.92% Tal Fescue*
9.86% Perrenial Ryegrass*
7.82% Chewings Fescue*
7.87% Kentucky Bluegrass*
3.96% Hard Fescue*
0.02% Other Crop
60.54% Inert Matter **
0.01% Weed Seeds
Noxious Weed: None Found

* Variety not stated
**Inert Matter Contains 60.00% Coating Material AMS 62
OMRI Listed

I assume the mixture might vary depending on what region you are located in, but I don't know that for sure and it doesn't say - I am located in SW Colorado and wanted to try this mix for a bare spot under one of my willow trees where the ground is typically bare. I will plant it in a couple of other spots as well just to test a few scenarios.

Regardless of how the company handles my order, I plan to try this seed as soon as possible - I used the official site the webmaster provided to locate a dealer in my region. I will reorder if necessary, but either way I will follow up to let everyone know if I get good results from the seed.

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If you still have any seed left I would like a sample. I saw it on TV and was looking to getting it. I have a side yard that is very hard to grow grass and wanted to buy this seed, but I wasn't sure if it worked like them say. But I still want to see if it will work for me.

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I'm looking forward to receiving more samples. I have sent PMs to many who have asked. Sorry for the delays but there is a lot of interest. Will have more news for you soon.


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Seed samples mailing out today! No need to compensate me for my cost, but please return and let us know how your sample worked in your location.

Please check this map to see if your area is within the recommended planting zone:


If your location is within the cool or transitional planting zone then the seeds should work well for you, particularly if you are in the cool zone. The transitional zone could work either way.

If you are just getting to this page, I still have samples left. Please check the above map to see if you are in the correct planting zone. If you are, then feel free to send me a private message (PM) and include the name and address to send the samples to.



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First time here. Am totally interested in this. Live in Chicago suburb. My yard Gets sun , shade and dog urine. The grass is too thin or disappearing in areas. Was sodded last year an looks like we don't do anything. My wife waters all the time. If the ground can not support the seed that is there, maybe this would take root and be thick.
What info would you need to get the samples that you are offering?

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I bought Cutting Edge grass seed from a dealer in Massachusetts last year. (www.CuttingEdgeGrass.com) I haven't planted it yet.
Here is the seed mix listed on the bag (CE Sunny Mixture)

20% tall fescue
20% chewings fescue
20% hard fescue
20% Kentucky bluegrass
19% perennial ryegrass
1% inert

Sustainable Low Maintenance Grass, 3 Long Lake Way, Palm Coast, FL 32137

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Thanks for the info judorock! :)
What info would you need to get the samples that you are offering?
Send me a Private Message (PM) with the name and mailing address to send the samples to. If you scroll down a little you should see a little button labeled P.Message. That's the button to click to send a private message. ;)



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OK, so I am just over 2 weeks into the new lawn. For those of you complaining about the 800 number you called (the (800) 505-0465 number), FORGET ABOUT THEM! You will receive a TINY amount of seed after waiting 2 months for it and will deal with foreign people on the phone who do not care about your problems! They are just a reseller. Call the REAL company at (866) 920-5322 and they will tell you who in your area sells this stuff. For me, there was a store literally 10 minutes from my house at Haynes in Oxford CT and I was able to walk in and buy a 44 lb bag (they also have smaller bags) of the stuff.

Regardless of where you live, follow the planting instructions on their website. I am hoping that some of you who are savvy at planting grass can help me with this one... I have some random bald spots, and most likely it's my fault, but I need to dump the rest of the seed from my bag into my bare areas (mostly in the back yard) to ensure I have full coverage. I put phosphate and nitrogen (Scotts starter fertilizer) in my soil, and am hoping there is still some in there so the second go-around of planting will not require additional treatment. It may take a year to have my grass perfect and weed free, but right now I have a clean slate. You can see the progress thread here: https://www.helpfulgardener.com/forum/vi ... 32&t=55076

Below is my grass 2 weeks after planting. Could use some help on filling in the bare spots as I am largely inexperienced at planting grass.
Week 2
Week 2

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judorock wrote:I bought Cutting Edge grass seed from a dealer in Massachusetts last year. (https://www.CuttingEdgeGrass.com) I haven't planted it yet.
You may want to consider planting that seed! It has an expiration date if you look on the package.

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My buddy and I will be planting Cutting Edge Grass seed this weekend, 10/26, in Charlotte, NC. we are close enough to a supplier - Mikes Growers Outlet in Stanley, NC to purchase it directly from them vs having it shipped. We are nervous of the amount we will need to use as we have fairly damages lawns so we are in between overseeding and new seeding. We will definitely let you all know how it goes. Planting late in fall vs typicaly fescue overseed, but Mike's folks said to wait. Again, we will let all know how it goes. Definitely expensive!

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I looked for the p message button-It only appeared after your post. I could not find it anywhere else-When I clicked the p message icon I saw nothing happened- Please,I want a sample of Cutting Edge Grass Seed sent to me. I want to try the seed in an area that was once a flower garden that is now bare. We had a large tree cut down. My front yard consists of Bermuda and Zoysia- In the summer time it is very hot and humid here- We do have prolonged periods of no rain- almost a drought. Thanks and Please let me know if you can send me a sample-

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Please check this map to see if your area is within the recommended planting zone:


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Reply to websitemanager: I am wanting to try this cutting edge grass seed, but at $20.00 a bag it's kind of expensive for a trial run. I was wondering if you would consider sending me a small sample of it to try? I would be glad to let you know my results. I live in the North Texas area & I saw on your map where that isn't the ideal place to grow this particular seed, but I have nearly all the problems that they state it works on. Pets, high traffic, urine stains, bald areas, etc.... I would really appreciate any help that you would be willing to give. Like I said I would post my results post planting weekly for 2 months? Please send me an email to let me know if this would be acceptable to you. Thank you, T. Connell :)

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@animalnurse - it would really help if you private message webmaster (which you can do with the P. Message button on his post above). Give him your mailing address and ask if he has any of the seed left and if it is still before its expiration date.

@everyone else. If you planted this seed last fall, can you give us any results yet?

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How do you get a free sample? I would like to try . . .

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Please check this map to see if your area is within the recommended planting zone:


If it is then send me a PM. ;)

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I am having the same problem. There is no private message button. I would also like a sample and also live in North Texas.

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Under each poster there are two buttons: one with a little green guy for the profile of the poster and one with a little yellow/orange guy that says " P msg". That is the private message button to use to send someone a private message.

So under the Web Master post you would use the little yellow/orange guy button to private message the webmaster about things.

Good luck!

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I live in the houston area (south texas), I just now joined this site and I don't have much experience planting grass but is there anyway I could get a sample of these seeds to try and report on? It says I havent participated enough yet to 5send a PM, maybe after this post that will change...

Edit: still no PM function, I really want to see if these seeds work down here. Ill even post a picture of the spot in my lawn where I will plant them, please PM me admin. Thanks, John.

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OK I have an update on my lawn. As you may know I planted this seed on a bare lawn last fall. The results are in.

The claim of "STOP constant mowing" is NOT true. It looks good but the maintenance is just as high as it was before I planted this stuff.

Check out this thread for a full review: https://www.helpfulgardener.com/forum/vi ... 32&t=55076

It's been nearly a year since the grass has come up.

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I lived in Tucson when Cutting Edge Grass Seed was launched. I had several phone conversations with the president of Cutting Edge about overseeding our entire complex of 13 acres. He sent me 10 'x 10' samples of the seed for my zone (C4) and we tried it in various areas in the complex. It worked brilliantly. I just sold my home there and left a beautiful cutting edge grass lawn of 2 1/2 years behind for the new owner. I am in Montana now and plan to overseed with C3 Cool Season Seed on my front and back lawns this late spring when the ground is at least 62 degrees. It germinates quickly and once the roots are deep enough, needs almost no water or mowing. I would recommend it to everyone!

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snowballflower wrote:I lived in Tucson when Cutting Edge Grass Seed was launched. I had several phone conversations with the president of Cutting Edge about overseeding our entire complex of 13 acres. He sent me 10 'x 10' samples of the seed for my zone (C4) and we tried it in various areas in the complex. It worked brilliantly. I just sold my home there and left a beautiful cutting edge grass lawn of 2 1/2 years behind for the new owner. I am in Montana now and plan to overseed with C3 Cool Season Seed on my front and back lawns this late spring when the ground is at least 62 degrees. It germinates quickly and once the roots are deep enough, needs almost no water or mowing. I would recommend it to everyone!
Another "member" who joined to make this one post... seems legit :roll:
Like I said before... I planted and shared my results. The grass really does look great but expect to mow your lawn twice a week.

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