Kim McBride
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Posts: 6
Joined: Sun Jun 23, 2013 3:19 pm

Giving up on the ground in Georgia for growing tomatoes

Hey all,

I have lived in Georgia for 12 years and have not been able to grow tomatoes to save my life! :oops: This has truly frustrated me because I have grown lovely tomatoes in Chicago and Los Angeles. So, this year I gave up on the ground and planted a container garden in a barren spot behind my house that needed a make over.

So far so good. I planted two tomatoe plants from Home Depot and to my chagrin the tags didn't say what variety other than they were good for containers. They are healthy and thriving and bearing green fruit already. :lol:

I also planted containers of cucumbers, small pickling variety which also promised to produce in a container. And, herbs. In the ground below the containers I planted mint for ground cover. Mainly because I love fresh mint for homemade mojitos and also fresh tea. But, I learned there is another repels insects from my herbs and tomatoes! :D

I wanted my herb and veggie garden to be practical but also wanted it to be pleasing to the eye. I've shared some photos of before, during pot planning and after planting two weeks ago and a picture from today which shows the plants are happy. :D

I'm glad to share any info related to my plants, soils, containers, etc.

I hope you enjoy the photos.

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Kim McBride
Newly Registered
Posts: 6
Joined: Sun Jun 23, 2013 3:19 pm

Here are the current pictures. Everything seems to be thriving. Time to harvest some basil for a caprese salad! :lol:
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