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Thinking of growing Aubergines

I've started last years growing some less common veg. I had great success with chillies and a bumper crop of tomatoes. This year I was thinking I'd like to grow some aubergines but I'm told they can be really difficult to get to 'adult' size without them going bad and starting to rot. How true is this, are they hard to grow? The other thing is, do they need pollinating by hand if you grow them inside without the benefit of insects to do it. Thank you

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Aubergines, or eggplant, as I know them are not hard to grow. They are a true warm season crop and don't sprout well in cold weather. They will germinate if soil temperatures are above 65 but 70 degrees F. is better.

They are shrubs and do well in pots. They are solanaceous like tomatoes and can be wind pollinated so pollinators are not required. They do like a lot of sun.

I am in zone 10, so I grow them outdoors for years. I have had them last over 5 years, but I usually replace them at 3 years because production declines. They are a shrub that gets four feet tall and nearly as wide. It is usually pruned back to make it bushier. They like to be in full sun.

In Northern climates, you may have a problem getting these tropical beauties to fruit unless you can keep them warm in a greenhouse.
I found a website about growing eggplant in temperate climates.

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Hi Thank you for your reply. Living in the UK I'll have to wait some time before it gets warm enough to give them a try but most certainly will. Will have a greenhouse finished y the time it's needed so hopefully will give them a fair chance.

Green Thumb
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Eggplants can be successfully grown in cold places like Vermont. I have had great success with them here by planting in large containers in full sun.

Its worth a try if you enjoy eggplants.

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