Madame October
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What did this to my plant!? (Pic)


Can anyone I identify what's happening to the plant? One day it seemed fine than the next I noticed these circles on it.



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That is a good pic and shows the damage well. Could you post another that shows the undersides of the damaged leaves? I think the problem could be being caused by some sort of mite, but I'm not certain. :)

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What kind of plant is this? I don't recognize it.

The puckered bumps remind me of the way apple leaves look when they get cedar-apple rust fungus.

Madame October
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Kisal wrote:That is a good pic and shows the damage well. Could you post another that shows the undersides of the damaged leaves? I think the problem could be being caused by some sort of mite, but I'm not certain. :)
Thanks. Here is a picture of the underside:

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It looks like a plum leaf with blister mite which is a enophyidmite that causes the raised green to yellow blister. Beneath on the underside of the leaf you can see the orange patch where the mite can be found. Later the patch turns brown. No serious damage done to the plant but it will return, for it over winters.
One can spray with an oragnic Lime Sulpher in the spring.

here is a link for the "enophyidmite"

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