So I moved into my new apartment in november and had no idea we had two beautiful rose bushes next to our porch, until one of them started blooming that is. I've been told they were planted by the girl who lived here before me. One of the bushes has bloomed beautifully while the other is not looking so hot and seems to be growing long and sidewards, slightly intruding on the sidewalk. My questions are: 1) how should I best go about pruning these to keep them healthy and productive? or should I prune at all at this point..? 2) Can I manipulate the one that has grown sideways through the use of a trellis or something to straighten it up? It would be more out of the way, more viewable, and would receive more sunlight if the long branch its producing were more vertical. Thanks for any feedback! I feel like these roses were a gift to me and I want to treat them well.