Yup, you guessed it. I'm another sucker of one of those mini Bonsai kits.
I have researched them a little bit so I know not to expect much from a $6 box and I know that it is going to take years and years before it can resemble a bonsai. It's just for fun.
But fun or not I want to make sure that I germinate these seeds right!
The instruction booklet that came with the kit says to soak the seeds for 24 hours. Wrap them in a damp paper towel put that into a plastic bag, seal and refrigerate for 7 days. (Then plant and etc...)
I wanted to research bonsais a bit before I jumped right into starting. I have read that Jack Pine seeds should stay in the fridge for closer to 3 months before planting and another person said to keep them in the fridge until you see a root sprout.... so I found this rather confusing.
I know not to plant until Spring but if I really should be keeping my seeds in the fridge for 3 months before planting, I need to get this cleared up soon! So I was wondering what you guys thought I should do.
Thank you for your time!
P.S. I know some of you will suggest buying a small tree and creating a Bonsai of it myself. Well, after all my research since I bought this kit, I have really became interested in this fascinating art. So I do plan on buying an indoor tree soon.
BUT! That does not mean I am giving up on this mini bonsai kit!
The main issue I think you will run into at first is that your pine will not do well indoors. If you want any chance of success I suggest you do the whole process outdoors and you will probably have to start in the spring. In nature, seeds will generally sit outside during the winter so the "cold stratification" is necessary for them to germinate. Otherwise they would germinate in the fall and would die overwinter. I have never heard of anyone successfully growing one of these inside. I personally bought one of these kits and tried it indoors and it did sprout and grow a little, but died fairly soon after. I would keep it in the fridge until early spring then try it. Keep an eye on it and plant if it sprouts.
I suggest finding a juniper (procumbens nana cultivator if you can find it) at a garden center and start from there. In any event you will have to keep things outside. I also recommend the fine Bonsai forum on this site for questions.
In terms of indoor trees I would go for a Ficus (benjamina or "Too Little" variety).
I suggest finding a juniper (procumbens nana cultivator if you can find it) at a garden center and start from there. In any event you will have to keep things outside. I also recommend the fine Bonsai forum on this site for questions.
In terms of indoor trees I would go for a Ficus (benjamina or "Too Little" variety).