FB joe
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Sacred Fig Bonsai

I recently germinated some sacred fig seeds, ficus religiosa.
I bought ten off of ebay, and all of them are geminating so far.
I was wondering if anyone had experience with this fig? I heard that leaves don't reduce well, and such. And also does it make aerial roots as easily as other figs? I wanna do at least one large one with banyan-like roots

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FB joe,

No, sorry I have only limited experience with Ficus and none with this species. Perhaps someone else can help more.


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Although I have no hands on experience with this fig, I have read that it is somewhat more difficult to make it branch than other figs. A solution to this, that I have used successfully on other bonsai that don't branch well is to defoilate the tree before pruning. Other than this piece of advice, there is really nothing I can say about this fig.

P.S. I have also found with other figs to never let the soil dry out.

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Thanks gnome and bonsaiboy. and good tip, ill keep an eye on the soil.
I heard somewhere that high humidity can spark aerial roots? I grow lots of terrarium plants cause I can get the humidity much higher than with a tray. I have 10 to experiment with so I suppose I'll try dif. things and post which one works the best.

Thanks again

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You're welcome, sorry I could not be of more assistance. Make sure to stop back to fill us in.


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