luvmother earth
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rose of Sharon tree

Can someone please help me? In my lawn I have many ,many seedlings of
rose- of sharons ,how do I get rid of them?Thanks :cry:

The Helpful Gardener
Posts: 7491
Joined: Mon Feb 09, 2004 9:17 pm
Location: Colchester, CT

While broad-leaf weed killer would work, I don't like it and don't recommend it. Weeding would obviously work, but I suspect you are looking for a better way. Is mowing on a regular basis an option? They won't survive that for too long; it kills even the toughies...

Last edited by The Helpful Gardener on Fri Jul 09, 2004 4:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.


Thanks Scott,will lower my blade on lawn mower,and do that way.

The Helpful Gardener
Posts: 7491
Joined: Mon Feb 09, 2004 9:17 pm
Location: Colchester, CT

Not too low; that's not a very friendly for the lawn this time of year. Regular mowing kills almost everything but grasses and hibiscus syriacus is no exception. Even bittersweet gives up against regular mowing.

Just a quick note; the National Arboretum selections of Rose of Sharon (easily I.d.'d by their names from Greek mythology, I.e., Minerva, Aphrodite, Diana) are sterile hybrids and won't throw seed. 8)


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