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Question on how to make a topiary

Hi everyone

I am new to the board and new to gardening. I have an idea this year, but do not know how to go about doing it.

I want to make animal topiaries. The frames for toparies are so expensive, so I wanted to make my own.

I saw somewhere on the internet about making your own using stuffed animals and chicken wire. My question is, how would you get the stuffed animal out after you made the frame?

Any ideas?

Thanks for letting me be a member of your group!


Greener Thumb
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Question should be is how do you put the frame over the plant you want to trim? Any wire put together has two ends so after you molded the figure you open the wire like a book, but how do you put an open book around the plant? If it were me I would just eye thr trimming looking at a model and do it early in the spring so new growth fills in.

Cool Member
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I would suggest that there a numerous books on the subject with numerous techiques. To me, a very important point for topiary is to pick the right plants for the job. Privets, boxwoods, euonymus varieties, certain junipers and some of the ivys (English ivy in particular if you have a shadier situation) can be used for the purpose. Topiary takes incessant trimming, so the plant must be able to take it. Good luck and much patience!

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