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Joined: Tue Jan 01, 2013 8:32 am
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How do you manage pests in a hydroponic or aquaponic system

I got this question from the MG helpline. They have aphids on green onions.

At the farm, when there were pests problems, especially inside a shade house, they were nearly impossible to manage and basically every thing was taken out and the entire green house was sanitized including power washing the floors and the shade house covers.

Aphids on lettuce in biofilters were also pulled out. They did spray the beds with azamax (neem based) when infestations were heavy, but it was not routinely done. The farm also brought in ladybugs, but I don't know how they got them. Most companies won't send them.

Ctahr recommended using IPM bringing in insectary host plants and beneficial insects instead. Not too useful if the problem is happening now and you have nothing in place.

Do you have pest issues in your hydrponic or aquaponic systems and how do you manage them?